Chapter 5: Never Ending Work

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Some time has passed and now you have finished a small farm plot with berry seeds growing, however, Lambert still did not come back, and night is now falling, Fey the deer came up to you, "(Y/N) it's starting to get dark, where are we going to sleep?" Almer and Amdusias looked at each other agreeing with Fey's concern about sleeping arrangements.

There was a slight panic welling up in you, you knew the discomfort of sleeping on the cold earth for days, "don't worry everyone, I'll think of something!", you got to work on making a few shabby sleeping bags for the followers, they all greatly appreciate it, it's much better than nothing, they decide among themselves on where to sleep for the night, it was a heartwarming sight to see that they wanted to sleep close together. you on the other hand did not make a sleeping bag for yourself, with all that happened there was no way you could get a wink of needed sleep, so to pass the time you tidied up the temple, brushing away unwanted dirt and relighting extinguished candles.

The doors of the temple swung open, the light of the sun waking you up, you realize that at some point you fell asleep between the two lamb statues, "(Y/N), what are you doing in here?"

"Huh? Lambert?" you rub the sleep from your eyes, "you're finally back".

"I am, but what are you doing in here?"

"...I was too scared to sleep, so I cleaned up in here, but I guess I accidentally fell asleep at some point".

"You don't have to worry about anything, you're safe now, I also saw that the Followers have beds, I'm guessing that was you're doing, thank you".

"I did say I would help".

He gave you a small smile and extended his paw to help you up, and gladly took it, "It's time for the next Sermon, I also need to declare a new Doctrine". He took his place in front of the stage, and you rang the bell to signal to the followers that the Sermon was about to commence, the regular three came in along with two more new ones, a hedgehog, and a red bagworm. You did not pay attention to this Sermon due to you fighting to stay awake. The sudden cheers of the Followers made you jolt giving the wake-up call you needed, you and Lambert got off the stage to meet with Ratau who was waiting for you both.

"Preaching sermons, performing rituals, and providing for the needs of your Followers will keep their Faith high. The bones of your enemies are required to perform such Rituals. Destroy their skeletons to gather their bones. Return to the lands of the Old Faith, gather bones from fallen enemies, recruit more Followers and return to perform a Ritual here in the temple." You wanted to thank Ratau for the help he gives but cannot do it due to him digging away yet again.

You and Lambert stayed behind to discuss what to do next "(Y/N) can you keep the followers in check?"

"Yup, seeing as you keep finding others to join, I need to make new beds for everyone".

"Grate, I'll see y-". Before Lambert can finish talking, you remember something.

"Oh no! Everyone still needs to eat, and I need to water the farm!" you start to run out of the temple, "I'll see you when you get back, please stay safe!"

As you are collecting some more berries from the few bushes left you see Lamber leaving, he gives you a final wave of a goodbye and you return the small gesture.

With all the berries collected your next step is separating it into six bowls, you call for the Followers to get their food. The six of you ate together and talked, you made a mental note that the hedgehog was called Namar, and the red bagworm was Valefar another ex-follower of Leshy, you started to hope you did not forget any names, then watered the farm and made three more sleeping bags, two for the new Followers and one for yourself, the majority of the small rubble was now gone and high fives where passed around when a giant tree was chopped down.

The sun was gone once again, and the moon was rising, the original three Followers called for the two to sleep next to them, they looked like a little family, "(Y/N), come sleep next to us!" Almer called out to you. A smile was pulled at your lips, you did not replay, but you did roll out your sleeping bag next to them, you all lay down to sleep but not without a chorus of "goodnight", it did take some time, but sleep did overtake you in the end, and that content smile did not leave.


Quick A/N

Updates will now come out at a slower pace because I will be playing the sins of the flesh update, I don't know if I will incorporate anything that will be in this new update because I did have a few things planned including some endings, I honestly thought that sins of the flesh would come out a bit later, in the meantime enjoy this quick drawing I did of (Y/N)!

(p.s this is not my usual art style and this is the first time I have ever drawn 'cute/chibi')

s this is not my usual art style and this is the first time I have ever drawn 'cute/chibi')

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Siblings who nearly die together, stay together (cult of the Lamb x reader)Where stories live. Discover now