Chapter 19: Acceptance

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After your talk with Lambert, he wanted to have a one-on-one chat with Fey, you stayed near the temple looking at them, Fey still looked distraught but had calmed down at last, but wounds like that never fully heal, when done talking with them and giving them a blessing, Lambert returned to you and lean his back on the red wall.

"How are they?" you ask.

"They'll be fine, they just need time to grieve".

"If this is what Shamura will do, who will be next?" you look out to the Followers as a tight knot forms in your stomach, the thought of Follower dying is saddening, but the thought of another Follower being killed by Lambert is so much worse.

"Try not to think about it (Y/N)" you want to yell at him, you do not want to ignore this issue, you turn your head to do so but you shut your mouth, he is the one that has to live with the weight of murder, not you, you cast your eyes down and start kicking the grass.

"I don't want any of them to feels like what happened to us" Lambert does not respond to the confession but did put a paw on your back, grief stays with you forever, accepting it just makes it less painful when the memory comes back.

The mood is thick of solemn, Lambert gets off the wall and stands in front of you casting a shadow, the sun giving him a hopeful glow and holding out his paw.

"Come on, let's do a Sermon" Without giving you a second to respond he grabs your paw and enters the temple. You ready yourself to ring the bell and pull on the rope.

The Followers flood the temple, it feels wrong seeing Fey at the back of the crowd, they are normally side by side with Almer in the front.

"As some of you know we have unfortunately lost our first and loyal Follower, Almer, they were the first to help grow this cult and the first to know the potential, I would like to take a moment of silence to appreciate all that they have done".

All is quiet as the followers all clasp their hands in respect to Almer, including you.

"However, they are not truly gone, although their body is no longer with us their sole is close by, the afterlife is not an end".

With that last statement, the Followers applaud at the message, you look over at Fey and see them wiping away stray tears and a genuine smile on their face. As the Followers leave the temple you and Lambert stay inside.

"Fey looks better after that".

"So do you (Y/N)".

"What do you mean?"

"You looked pretty upset".

He was right, you were, but his words did help lighten your spirit. You both finally leave the temple, Lambert goes around looking after Followers, and you go to Fey, you two spend the rest of the day together, just talking about whatever came to mind, most of it was talking about Almer and the memories you two have of them, time caught up with you and the stars started to appear.

You walked Fey to their tent and bid them good night and entered your own that was not too far off.

You lay on your back and retract of the days event, what lambert said during the sermon repeated in your head 'Although their body is no longer with us their sole is close by'. It stuck with you the most.

"Hey mum, hey dad, so much has happened since we last saw you. Lambert is now a cult leader and a pretty decent one, can you believe that? I sometimes think there is more to him that he hasn't discovered yet, like a power that is sleeping inside him, just waiting for the right time to awaken. Lambert is keeping his promise to you the best he can, but you know us, we butt heads every now and then. I'm also helping him whenever I can, but if I need to be honest, I don't feel like I'm doing enough, and I don't know what more I can do to really miss you, Lambert doesn't show it, but I know he does".


Quick A/N

we are getting close to finishing the first half of the story and I have a lot of ideas, and a ton of notes ready to be used!

I hope you all are enjoying the fanfic so far.

And have this drawing of Fey and Almer (I really hate how Almer turned out...)


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Siblings who nearly die together, stay together (cult of the Lamb x reader)Where stories live. Discover now