Chapter 20: Get Off One's Chest

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You leave your tent to start the new day by doing your morning routine, but something at the far corner catches your eye, with curiosity you walk to it, it is three long stones, you step closer to them wondering what they are. What you see makes you gasp a little, the stones look like the red crown, the first one has engravings that say 'Here Lies Almer' you look at the other two graves with similar engravings, but they have your parent's names.

Seeing this makes you tear up a little, you notice that the graves already have one flower each, you leave the graves to pick your own flowers that are scattered around the area, you place each flower on the grave.

"I hope you're all right" you whisper, you stay there for a few more seconds looking at them, especially your parents. You felt more enlightened as you worked on the farm and cooked breakfast.

You wait for Fay to finish eating seeing that they do not know about the grave for Almer yet, just as they are about to go off and do their duties you manage to catch them.

"Fey, I want to talk to you for a moment!"

"What is it (Y/N), nothing's wrong right?", you shake your head no to relieve them of any worry.

"Everything is fine, but I do want to show you something" You take a hold of their paw "Close your eyes" They do as you say and start leading them to Almer's grave.

"We are here, you can open your eyes".

Fey was speechless at first, they gently touch the smooth stone, tracing Almer's name.

"I think Lambert made it last night before he went on his crusade".

"I need to thank the leader when he gets back then". Slowly Fey's eyes drifted to the other two graves, "who are those for?"

You copy Fey's action of touching the stones.

"They are for Lambert's and I's parents, we lost them a while ago".

"Was it because of know" Fey did not have the heart to say the words.

"Yes, because of the prophecy" an awkward silence presented itself, "but I know they are looking after us, and I know Almer is looking after you too".

Fey did not say anything as they look back at Almer, but a heartfelt smile formed on their face. "I'll leave you two be".

As you walk away you take a peek behind you, Fey is now kneeling in front of the grave and begins to talk to the stone, you stay looking to make sure they are doing fine.

"(Y/N), can I talk to you?" you look back to see it was Arkity, they played with the long red sleeves doing their best to avoid eye contact.

"Of course, what is it Arkity?"

"I feel really bad about this, and I just want to confess something, can we go somewhere private? I don't want anyone to hear this" Hearing that they need to be in private made you somewhat nervous about what they have to say, but nevertheless, you took them to where you have private conversations.

"No one will interrupt us here, what is it?"

"You know when Almer died? I was...I was glad that they did die" The confession gave you a shock, you bite your tongue and let them continue, "I know it's not right, but I never liked them, and whenever I saw them with Fay, it made me so angry!"

"Why?" you were thinking of the right words to say, you know if you say the wrong thing, they will be upset. "Why did they make you angry?"

"It's because I really like Fay, and I know they are...they were...together, and I also feel really bad for being happy that Almer is gone".

"You do know that Fey will not be looking for anything romantic at the moment, right?"

"I know that".

"...But they will need someone to talk to".

Arkity finally looked up at you, wanting more guidance.

"Talk to them, not expecting for feeling to be reciprocated, but to help them with this hard time, just be friends with them, you may even see Almer in a new light, just give them some time".

"Thank you for the advice (Y/N), and one more thing".

"Yes, what is it?"

"I'm sorry for how I treated you when I was first here, I have no excuse".

"Apology accepted", you smile at them showing no hard feelings, it was a hard time for the cult then, you watch as Arkity leaves and makes their way to Fey.

From what you can see Fey was surprised to see Arkity, soon after they sat next to Fey, Arkity looked awkward at first but settled in.

You managed to complete the rest of your daily chores eventually and help any Followers who need support, especially the new ones who are slightly lost with how things worked in the cult.

After some time, Lambert finally returned, you are the first to greet him.

"Welcome back, Lambert"

"Feels good to be back!"

"About the graves, not just Almer, but to mum and dad..." you trail off.

"I had to show a way that I miss them, right?"


"I'll wait for you to say it".

"Lambert, what are you going on about?"

"Oh, dear brother, you are such a wonderful leader, but I know you have a hidden power~!" He is mocking you.

"You heard all that!"

"You talk to yourself way too loud", he grabbed you and ruffled your (w/c) wool.

"Stop, this is not becoming of a leader!"

"I'll never stop!".

Siblings who nearly die together, stay together (cult of the Lamb x reader)Where stories live. Discover now