Chapter 24: The Fifth Bishop

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"/N) ...wake up...(Y/N) ...wake up...(Y/N)!" You jolt up at the shout of your name, you look over to where the sound came from to see Lambert "So much for waking you up first thing in the morning" he leaves you before you can make a comeback.

As you leave the tent you are greeted by the morning sun, it is a beautiful day, there is no cloud in the sky, not too hot, not too cold, birds are singing, and looking over to your flower garden all the buds are now in full bloom.

You run over to Lambert who is near the cooking fire.

"No no, please let me do this!" you move him to the side before he can start cooking something.

"Huh? I want to try my hand at cooking".

"I think it's best if you don't, you can hand over the bowls if you want to help".

"Well, that's rude" he is now pouting.

"I'm just saving the Followers from eating whatever you would make" You start to cook the meal asking Lambert to pass you things so he will not feel left out, soon the Followers join you two. When mealtime was over the Followers dispersed to start their daily chores, you see Lambert giving blessings to everyone.

You meet him at the entrance of the Cult to bid him goodbye.

"Good luck out there, I know you can do it" Instead of waving goodbye to you he looks into your eyes with a solemn expression.

"(Y/N) ...if anything happens to me, I want you to take over the Cult".

You try to grab his arm before he runs off but fail, he is already gone, and you can only pace back and forth and wait for him to come back.

Only a minute passes when you hear Followers screaming in fear, they are all falling into black puddles, as you are about to run to help them, one forms under you, your stomach drops as you plummet down.

When you open your eyes, a wight light blinds you, you along with all the Followers are in a cage hung up in chains, the scenery is surreal. You are all above the clouds, with chains scattered around, and a thin mist giving everything a hazy look, but what you do see makes you shack, The One Who Waits in the centre along with two black cats on either side.

You try to look for Lambert and see him approaching a red pentagram, the crown on his head floats off and lands in his paws, you hold on to the bars to get a better look and hold your breath.

Lambert sees you in one of the cages "(Y/N)?" he whispers as tears form in his eyes; he shakes his head. He looks up to The One Who Waits and bares his teeth, they are sharp as knives and his eyes turn blood red, a pair of red wings appears for a second as he floats up, and the red crown hovers to his paw and morphs into a sword.

"So, you have betrayed me, Lamb. You have shunned my gospel and claimed yourself a false idol. That crown is mine by divine right! You think to stand in the very face of death?" The One Who Watis's voice is deep and raspy.

"Master! Allow me. I will give this wretch a taste of your wrath" The cat in white rips off his veil and charges at Lambert.

He swings his sun sceptre to Lambert, but doges the attacks perfectly, Lambert swings his sword and lands the strikes, the cat stumbles and summons an onslaught of spears from the clouds where Lambert stood, just when Lambert was to attack once more the cat doges with the speed of light and hits Lambert, just as the cat was to summon another set of spears Lambert sprints to him and finishes him off.

The cat falls clutching his wounds and vanishes in a puff of smoke.

"I will take care of this beast, master. I will cut that crown from it's HEAD!" the cat in black yells and copies the action of the cat in white.

He swiftly makes his way to the centre and summons a never-ending amount of fire rings, a few manage to hit Lambert, but the power makes the cat tired as he lands back on the clouds to catch his breath, Lambert takes the opportunity to attack, managed to land a good amount of hits, the managed to get away and summon spears, when Lambert runs to attack again the cat moves in time a parries Lambert's sword, Lambert was to slow to regain his stance as the cat attacks with his moon sceptre, the cat's movement are starting to get sloppy, once again, Lambert takes the chance and finishes the cat as it disappears in a puff of smoke.

Lambert makes his way to face The One Who Waits while clutching his sword.

"You think yourself victorious? You think yourself safe? Do not forget you belong to me. Even after I have slaughtered you, your pain will not end. You can not escape me, even in death". The One Who Waits lets out a mighty roar as he rips the chains off, the movement shakes the cages, the fear in the Followers builds up as they try not to fall over in the confined space.

The One Who Waits floats as he sends large rings of fire, surprisingly, Lambert doges them all and strikes The One Who Waits, he dips into the clouds and appears again.

"BEHIND YOU!" you yell, your warning was successful.

Lambert moves in time just as another set of fire rings is thrown towards him, Lambert can only attack once before The One Who Waits vanishes again. Just as The One Who Waits appears he is staggered, Lambert uses the opening for an onslaught of attacks, but then The One Who Waits raises his arms and the battel filed is covered in red spears, his magic is strong but takes away his energy. The One Who Waits falls halfway into the clouds.

"Did you believe me defeated? Did you think that to be all there was to a being such as I? You thought yourself above a GOD?"

Suddenly everything turns pitch black, and all is quiet, the frantic gasp of air is all that breaks the deafening silence, and in a flash, red-tinted light comes flooding in. The One Who Waits is back in his original spot, but his face is split open, revealing the mussel under his skin.

"You are corrupt, false idol. Your corruption has no doubt spread".

Twelve Followers disappear from the cage and are tied on wooden crucifixes, they all scream for help. If things can not turn more grotesque, his three eyeballs pop out of his head and swarm around Lambert.

Lambert swings his sword erratically managing to slice one by chance, the eyes shoot out a rain of poison, then clumps of fire. The battle against the eyes is long, but with all the poison, walls of fire and speared the three eyes are no more.

The One Who Waits falls on the ground as tears of black blood spill from his eyes, Lambert, who is beaten and bruised, gives the final blow. With one final roar, he shrinks and crashes down with a hard thud.

"You have supplanted me. A vessel no more, instead a crown bearing deity. Damned Lamb! I am at your mercy, are you to be a vengeful false idol, or merciful coward? No longer can you blame your vile acts on me".

Lambert glares at The One Who Waits, he raises his sword about to slice The One Who Waits's head off his body.

"LAMBERT!" you cry out, Lambert stops his sword before it lands "Please, don't do it!" all eyes are on you, except for Lambert's, his eyes are covered in a dark shadow as he looks down at the cowering black cat.

He lets go of his sword as it morphs back into the crown, Lambert lifts The One Who Waits into the airs and sends him through a black puddle, the cage comes down and breaks on impact, the crucifixes are also lowered, all the Followers run to Lambert and start to praise him, you however slowly walk to him, you push past the Followers.

"Thank you, Lambert, it was the right choice".

You bring him into a hug, but not a tight one just in case you hurt him more than he is already.

Siblings who nearly die together, stay together (cult of the Lamb x reader)Where stories live. Discover now