Chapter 29: Second Reunion

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With the free days you have you make up your mind and convince Lambert to help you build a kitchen, While Lambert is gone for another crusade in Anura you put up the finishing touches, some of the Followers are curious about the new structure, but when you explain it to them and they are eager to try it out.

The first one you bring over to try out the kitchen is Leshy, you help him navigate around as he taps with his stick, there is also a stockpile of ingredients ready to be used.

"I have so many recipes I'm going to make!" Leshy says as he holds up the spatula.

"And I'm excited to try them out."

"(Y/N)!" you hear Lambert call out your name and waves you over.

"I'll be right back, Leshy" he gives you a nod as he focuses on feeling around the kitchen with his paws this time.

When you reach Lambert, you see a deep red frog hunched over, it is the Ex-Bishop of Famine, Heket, you wait for her to speak.



".........................." she clutches her stomach in pain.

"........feed me........"

Both you and Lambert tilt your heads, and then it clicks, she is starving.

"Sister?!" you look up and see Leshy waving his arm, "bring her here!"

You and Lamber help Heket up, seeing as she is too weak to move and take her to the kitchen, Leshy is frantically moving around preparing a meal, you help her down to the grass, you can tell she is in an immense amount of pain due to her empty stomach.

"Here, sis sis" You help Leshy give Heket the bowl, she snatches the bowl and begins to devour the meal.

"Slow down, you'll get yourself sick eating so fast!" she ignores you.

"Sis, listen to them" Hearing Leash, she slows down her pace. When done eating she throws the bowl to the side and gives Leshy a bone-crushing hug.

"....... you're.......... safe......"

Leshy hugs her back, and eventually, they let go, Heket turns to you and Lambert "........what of...Narinder?......."

"He is over there" Lambert answers while pointing with his head in the direction towards Narinder.

".... dear" you can see the anger boiling inside of her as she stomps over to Narinder, who is on the tree stump, you struggle to keep up with her as you pull Lambert with you.

However, her footsteps do not go unnoticed, Narinder turns around to see who the sounds belong to before he has time to process who it is Heket already sent a fist straight to his face causing him to fall. Narinder stays there holding his cheek.

"'!" Heket was about to charge in for another attack, but you grabbed her to pull her back, however, she is too strong for you, seeing you struggle and not wanting you to get hurt in any of this, Lambert helps you pull Heket off.

"We still..........suffer!" Heket starts to cough uncontrollably releasing a mixture of an unknown black substance and blood, at this moment of time, whenever she would try to speak it will end with her coughing.

Seeing that this encounter is worse than the last you lead her away, you turn your head as you walk to whisper "I'm so sorry" to Narinder who is still in complete shock.

With Heket still in a pent-up mood, you ask Leshy for help, hoping he knows how to destress his big sister, luckily, he does. All it took to calm her down is a generous bowl of pumpkin soup with bits of fish.

Siblings who nearly die together, stay together (cult of the Lamb x reader)Where stories live. Discover now