12 ✨🪭 Potrait and Bangles

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Chapter 12: Potrait and Bangles

Palace of Rana.

Anya, Indu and Amir were soon departed after Prince Arjun to Rana, as of the state of the Nanda and war.

There was a war coming and they had to prepare. Anya, Indu and Amir returned few days after Arjun who had been devising the plan.

Three weeks hsd passed, Anya was also involved in the decision making as per King Ameya's request who trusted his daughters wits.Everything was
Back to somewhat normalcy of they had in their kingdom.


Indu accompanied Katha to the Kalika temple that was at the very end of their region, the third youngest of Rana and Indu's last elder sister.

Katha was mute and shy, she often blamed herself for this disability that made her feel useless. She refused to leave the kingdom and often shut herself down from meeting strangers. Her family respected that and didn't force her to meet anyone,Katha also had severe self-hate she was coping with. Today was a rare occasion and she had decided to go out with Indu to the temple of Kalika, the goddess of power and protection.

Indu prayed for Anya, her eldest sister, who was getting married to Nayan, the prince of a neighboring kingdom. She prayed that no bad eyes would affect her sister's happiness and that she would have a prosperous and peaceful life. She also prayed for Katha, hoping that she would find some joy and confidence in herself.

As they returned to the palace, Indu saw Prince Nayan had also visited them, to discuss about the warfare.

Indu and Katha had just took a seat in their room.when Princess Indu was called.

"Princess Indu, The king has asked for your presence in the court."

Indu looks confused as she was usually not asked to visit the court unless she had caused some trouble.

She signed to Katha letting her know she is been called.

Princess Indu was curious as she entered the court of her father, King Rana. She saw the canvas and a set of paints, ready to draw the portrait

Soon she was made aware it was of the most feared enemy of their kingdom: Ivaan, the demon tyrant.

Apparently not a lot people had seen his , face and survived death except for two people in this court: Princess Indu and her elder brother, Prince Arjun.

She had encountered Ivaan during the festival of Nanda, even though He had worn the helmet mask that covered most of his face, except for his eyes. His eyes were piercing and cold, like two shards of ice.

Indu had barely escaped with her life, and returned to their kingdom according to her father. King Rana had summoned her He also ordered Indu to draw a portrait of Ivaan, based on her and Arjun's description, so that he could study his enemy and devise a strategy and not miss Ivaan again.

Indu had agreed, but she was confident in her skills. She was a good artist, but she had never drawn a person before, with just describtion. She had only seen Ivaan's eyes, and she had to rely on Arjun's memory for the rest of his features. Arjun had told her that Ivaan had long black hair curled up until his neck, a sharp nose, a thin mouth, and a minor scar on his left cheek. He had also said that Ivaan was tall and muscular, and that he wore a dark armor with spikes.

Indu had tried her best to capture Ivaan's likeness, but she was not satisfied with the result. She had spent hours on the portrait, adding details and shading, but she still felt that it was incomplete.

She hoped that her father would not be disappointed. She did not want to let him down.

She reached the throne, where her father was sitting, surrounded by his generals and advisors. She bowed respectfully, and presented the canvas to him. He took it, and looked at it carefully. His expression was unreadable.

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