21 ✨🪭 One Final Attempt.

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21 ✨🪭 One Final Attempt.
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Palace of Rana

Princess Anya of Rana was the most beautiful and virtuous princess in the land of Rana; fortunately, or unfortunately, loyalty was also one of the virtues she possessed.

The people of the country might have forgotten about Prince Nayan of Nanda, the brave and noble heir of the neighboring kingdom, but not her.

They had met at a festival when they were unaware and jovial They exchanged vows of respect and loyalty and promised to marry. She had given her word as the princess of Rana to a great nation.

But fate had other plans for them. The war broke out between Nanda and Virata, the powerful kingdom that coveted Nanda's rich lands and resources. Prince Nayan led his army to defend his homeland, but he was killed by the cunning and ruthless Prince Ivaan of Virata, who stood right before her own country now.

When Prince Nayan fell to the ground, mortally wounded, Ivaan must have gloated over his dying body; she could not forget about this.

She had heard that Nayan's last words were from Anya. He died with her name on his lips. She never knew how much he had loved her; his life was robbed of him, an innocent being.

The news of Nayan's death reached Rana, and Princess Anya was devastated. She mourned for the lost life and cursed Ivaan for his treachery. She wished she could end this somehow, without more people dying, but she knew this was not the reality she lived, her duty to her father and her kingdom; this was all real, and there was a loss any way they chose; this was a failing game.

Anya wiped away the tears as she remembered the promise she had made to Nayan's mother, the Queen of Nanda, who had treated her like a daughter. She had vowed to become the bride of Nanda, the wife of the prince, and the queen of Nanda. She had sworn to uphold Nayan's legacy and honor his memory. She would not break that promise, even if it meant living a life of sorrow and loneliness.

But her troubles were not over yet. Prince Ivaan, having conquered Nanda, turned his greedy eyes to Rana. He wanted to expand his empire and claim the princess of Rana as his trophy. She couldn't even bear to think of any of her sisters being in this position; she would protect them at any cost.

Ivaan and his advisors had marched his army to the borders of Rana and sent a messenger to King Rana, Anya's father. He gave him an ultimatum: either surrender his kingdom or his daughter to him or face a war that would destroy them both.

King Ameya Rana was a wise and just ruler, but he was also old and frail. He knew he could not match Ivaan's strength and numbers, and he feared for his people's lives. He also loved his daughters dearly and wanted them to be happy. King Ameya's advisors and ministers seemed to side with Varun and Ivaan, and the safety of Rana was considered.

Anya had expected Arjun to be angry or resentful, but he was shocked and resentful by his reaction. She looked at him with sadness and confusion.

"Father, how can you think about this? How can you give any of my sisters away to the man who killed my Nayan, who destroyed our happiness, and who wants to enslave our kingdom? How can we forget our alliance with Nanda, who fought and died for us? How can you ask a woman to marry a demon?"

King Rana was even more sorrowful, clutching his chest, his pain rising; he was mute. He felt a sting of remorse and regret; his advisors were asking him to choose between his kids.

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