19 ✨🪭 The Twisted courtroom

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19 ✨🪭 The Twisted courtroom
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Ivaan, Varun and Nimit of Virata had entered the palace gates after 3 long days of journey to the Kingdom of Rana to negotiate the release of Prince Arjun and King Aditya captured during the battle. They had brought a small army of 200 men with them, hoping the king's words were of sincerity.

As they entered the gates of the palace, they were greeted by the elderly woman and the king. The woman who was introduced as the old nurse of the king, Sudha, who had raised him since he was a child. She was like a mother to him, as the queen was not there currently she was the one welcoming them.

They bowed their heads in respect as they met the woman and the king.

Sudha smiled warmly at the visitors and performed the aarti, a ritual of welcoming and blessing. She put tilak (vermilion), a mark of honor, on the foreheads of Ivaan and Varun, who were cousins and the son of the king and the queen of Virata. She also sprinkled some flower petals on them, as a sign of respect and affection.

"Welcome to Rana," she said, "I am Sudha, as the Queen is not here i am here to welcome you on her behalf, as she is not here because of some urgent matters. Please, follow me."

She led them to the palace, where they would be given rooms and refreshments. She also told them that the king would meet them in the court later, where they would discuss the details.

King Ameya watched them from a distance, his expression cold and stern. He was not happy to see the prince of Virata in his land.

He nodded to Sudha, as she greeted the visitors.

"Welcome to Rana," he said, his voice rigid and stern. "I am King Ameya, the ruler of Rana."

Ivaan and Varun thanked Sudha and followed the king, along with Nimit and their trusted advisors. They felt a sense of relief, as they saw that the king did not seem to fake his disappointment. They knew that he was not happy to see them, but they also knew that he was willing to listen, that could be a good start for them.

Ivaan, Varun, Nimit and few of The gaurds and advisors followed them to the palace. while the rest of the army were allowed to stay at a near by makeshift tents at a bridge distance between the palace and the tent was where they were to stay.

As they walked towards the Palace they spotted the balcony the Princesses of Rana, Anya, Indu and Katha, watched from the balcony with mixed feelings. They had been wearing their ghunghats, veils that covered their faces, and pretend to be happy and welcoming.They tried to fake a smile, but their eyes betrayed their emotions even from their veil.

Ivaan, looked up at the balcony and spotted Indu in her Red attire he was amazed by himself as he had recognised her even through her veil, the princess of Rana who had him mesmerized in first sight. Partly he was able to recognise her as she glaring at him with boiling anger. He smirked at her, making Indu look away.

Ivaan found Princess Anya, beside her in her blue attire he felt a sense of guilt come over as he saw her staring at guests with sadness and void in a eyes. She looked like a porcelain doll, beautiful but fragile, and nonchalant.

Ivaan looked beside at Varun,who also looking up at the balcony and saw Anya, the elder princess of Rana. He had the same sense of regret as they were the people responsible for the death of her bethroned. He smiled looking at Ivaan, trying to comfort him.

"Come on, Ivaan. It's not your fault. Prince Nayan was not supposed to die, it was an acciden.You did what you had to do. War has only one rule - that's to Win " Varun said in a low voice, patting Ivaan's shoulder.

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