I kinda get to know this kid.

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He tries to catch me in the way down, but he only gets my hips. The rest of me lands on him.

"Oh my gods, are-are you okay dude?" He asks.

I move off of him 'yeah. Sorry.' I say. Well, mouth.

"Yeah?" He asks. I roll my eyes at him.

really mom?!

He laughs at me.

"So uh...favorite color. Go." I he hands me the pen and notepad.

pink. u?

I know it's basic and expected since my mom is, you know...my mom. But I actually like the color.

"Blue. Pinks nice." He fiddles with his fingers.

I nod In approval.

Someone shrieks and runs by the infirmary. "Jeez!" He says and turns his head the way it came from. "When my mom tried to explain that one of the Gods was my dad, I thought she meant Jesus." He tells me.

"When you can talk again...don't uh tell anyone that." He looks over at me.

I smirk at him. "Dam it." He says and rolls his eyes.

I laugh at his annoyance. He looks over at me. "I have to go on a quest." He says.

I raise my eyebrows. I tilt my head.

"You-you wanna hear more?" He stammers out. I sideye him.

"Okay then." He sighs. "Someone s-stole the Master Bolt or whatever...they think I did, and my mom is with Hades-even though I thought she died and-and I'm supposed to fix it." He doesn't sound prideful or anything though. He sounds confused.

He leans his head against the back of the bed behind us.

"I'm supposed pick other people, but I-" he pauses and looks at me.

"Wait. You wanna go with me? I-I mean like, will you go?" He asks.

Before I can answer Mr. D walks in. 

"Peter Johnson, Y/n, you're supposed to be playing capture the flag right now." He says unamused, then he looks up at us.

"Okay, keep all" he waves his hand around at us. "This. In the cabin." He says.

"She-she got hurt. Nobody told me about capture the flag." He says back. 

"Y/n, you gonna say anything?" He asks. I think out off the campers he find me one of the most tolerable. I get called by my real name.

I look at me. "Uh...she can't." Percy says.

"Oh. Why not they sew her mouth shut or somethin?" He laughs at himself.

"Uh...Aphrodite thing. I think." Percy explains for me.

"Huh. Interesting. Alright then, you can be exempt. Don't really care anymore, so. Just don't tell anyone I saw you." He winks.

"Oh, and Johnson?" He asks.

"It's Jackson." Percy snaps angrily.

"Make sure she doesn't die." He heads out.

I roll my eyes.

Aphrodite's little secret. (A Percy Jackson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now