We wind up underwater.

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When I open my eyes I'm underwater. I look around, where are Percy and Grover?

Holy shit. I'm too deap. I try to swim up but I need air now. I intake the  water.

I see Percy and Grover appear. Suddenly a bubble of air is around my body.

I cough. I cough until the water is gone from my system.

Another bubble appears beside me and merges with mine.

"Holy shit, are you okay?!" Percy puts his hands on my shoulders.

I nod. He hugs me. Grover joins in.

"No dying!" Percy tells us.


A coast guard boat gets us.

They drop us off at the pier. It's strangely deserted.

"Percy, I don't think you stole, the bolt. But who would have framed you..?" Grover asks. "Who would be that sneaky and want war that bad?"

I stop walking and hold my hand out in front of them.

"Gee. I wonder." Percy says.

He's waiting for us. In leather jacket on a monster cycle.

He dismounts his mother cycle.

"You all were supposed to die." He smiles.

"Well, actually! Not you, kid! You're not even supposed to be here!" He laughs and points to me. He's psycho.

"W-what?" Grover asks.

"Percy was supposed want the Athena kid...what's it? Annabeth. Yeah, her. Not y/n. But Aphrodite messed around with hormones or whatever and here we are."

Percy and I share a look.

"What do you mean supposed to?" He asks.

"Eh, doesn't matter. Would have made my plan smoother." He waves.

"Don't take it personally, kid." 

"How did you even give it to me?!" Percy asks.

"Too complicated for your little mortal brain to process." He flicks a bug off his shoulder.

"Did you use Clarrise or something?" Grover asks.

"Why didn't you just send it to him?" Percy asks.

Ares stops with his mouth open for a minute.

"Cant be caught lacking." He says.

"Also, you can't be alive. So, gonna have to kill you." He snaps and an ugly looking bore rises.

"Flight me yourself, Ares." Percy says.

"Yeah, not happening." Ares snaps again and the bore begins to run. Percy uses his arm to push me back and gets out riptide. He swings and chops one of the bores tusks off.

A wave crashes over it.

"Ready to fight me yourself?" Percy asks and gets ready to go forward.

I grab at him but he crosses his arms. 

Ares is almost purple.

"Classic or Modern. You pick." Ares snarls.

Percy holds up Riptide.

"First to draw blood wins." Percy tells him.

"Your funeral." Ares laughs.

"Percy. No dying." Grover pats him on the shoulder. He turns to me. I look up at him and he looks down at me.

I smile. He smiles back. It's almost like the entire world has slipped away and it's just him looking at me. 

"Alright, wrap it up. Sorry kid, you're gonna be mute forever." Percy turns to him.

They both begin to approach eachother. He kicks Percy in the chest and I step forward. It's Grover's turn to push me back.

"Y/n, stop. Percy's gonna be fine." He says quietly.

Ares raises his sword but Percy blocks it.

He rolls away as Ares releases to strike again. Percy swings and Ares blocks him.

Ares sends Percy flying. Percy is on the ground panting.

Before anyone can stop me I sprint to him. I'll drag him into the fucking ocean next to us if I have to.

Before I can get there Ares speaks. "Oh, well this is interesting!" He dugs back on my hair and I'm sent to the ground from the force.

I see Percy stirring. I scramble back so I'm sitting, I can't stand or he'll get me.

"Mommy really had your back, didn't she?!" He asks.

"Come on kid, you could do better. Also 'love' is bullshit." He raises his sword.

I see movement. It's Percy.

Ares begins to lower his sword but something he wasn't expecting appears in front of it.

I do something I haven't done in months. I shriek. 


Aphrodite's little secret. (A Percy Jackson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now