We find another monster.

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Grover laughs.

"This is gonna he fun." He says.

We start to walk again. We arrive in a clearing looking at the city after a few miles on our trail.

"Woah." Grover says. He stands in between Percy and I.

"The sunsets pretty." Percy says out loud.

We take a step forward.

"Guys. Where are we going?" Grover asks.

"Uh..."  Percy quickly takes a peak at me for ideas, then looks down.

"Wait. What's that smell?" Grover says.

Percy and I look at each other confused like 'what?'

"You smell that?" He asks.

"What? What do you smell?" Percy asks.

"Hamburgers. I smell hamburgers. Follow me." He starts walking. Percy and I lock eyes, then follow him in a line. Grover,  me, Percy.

There's a woman grilling in the clearing. 'Auntie Em's emporium'

I take a step back instinctively and knock into Percy. He grabs my arms to steady us.

I say, well, mouth 'sorry'. 'You're good' he mouths back sassily and releases my arms. I roll my eyes.

She quickly scurries into the house.

"Okay...that was weird." Percy says.

"Yeah...I g-AHHHH WHAT IS THAT?" he shrieks as a shadow comes over us.

It's got moving parts on its head. Grover turns around slowly and is looking down Percy does the same. Why are we looking down right now..? I turn around not looking down and a hand smacks itself over my eyes.

"Dumbass." Percy whispers.

I peak through his fingers. She's wearing a hat.

I remove his hand from my face.

I wave to Medusa. Why the fuck did I wave at her.

"Y/n. Good to see you, you've grown so much." My eyebrows go up and she must somehow sense my confusion.

"at the park-you were seven, you played with the snakes in my hair. You saw them fully unlike the others around us. You weren't afraid. I remember you." She smiles creepily.

"Oh, and Percy." She sighs. "Son on Poseidon." She clicks her tongue.

"It's safe to look up, you know. Have some confidence boys." A snake hisses

"Okay..." He looks up.

"And who might you be?" She gestures to Grover.

"M-me?" He asks.

"Yes." She responds, stretching out the s.

"Grover?" He says tentatively.

"Hello. Why don't you three come inside?" She begins to walk and I follow her. Forger and Percy both grab one of my arms.

"Let her go." She tells him, they stay. "I won't hurt her." They slowly release.

"Okay...where-where are you Uhm going?" Percy asks her on the way.

"My house. I'll feed you." Grover and I sideye eachother. I offer him a shake of my head so faint I myself could hardly feel it.

Percy gulps.

Aphrodite's little secret. (A Percy Jackson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now