0.7 | bellflower

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in between, here, there, and beyond

in between, here, there, and beyond

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part two | how it started

Life is all about savoring the same emotions that come back as seasons, short-lived but crucial.

August was famous for the crepe myrtle that lined the city's every roadside and backyard but it was also famous for its relentless rain that went on for days if not a whole week.

Chavi pedaled fast while keeping an eye on the darkened clouds once in a while, her small foldable umbrella was of no use as it rested in the bag's side pocket.

She should have listened to her dadi and gotten in the car when her mother offered her to drive to her school but she was late as usual and had been rubbing her eyes when her mother drove past their apartment building.

She was guilty for staying till late but a sense of fulfillment had washed over her, both at night and this early morning when she had carefully instructed her father to give the delivery man, the bulk order she packed all by herself.

She huffed and puffed as her ears perked up catching onto the ringing sound
of the bells. She worked up her strength again and tried wheezing past the gates.

She had been so worked up that she hadn't noticed the body cycling towards the gate just like her after all she was not the only one famous for last-minute adventures.

She pressed on the brakes as hard as she could and at that same time, it felt like seemed to have ceased and she could hear the faint sound of cucooks and the August wind blowing.

their eyes met

The wheels of the two bicycles crashed with each other and a screeching sound took over. She braced her cycle as tight as she could, he seemed to have done the same because of his fast reflexes and there they stood still, as the world went on with itself.

something had shifted

Garvit gulped down to help his dried throat, he could still feel his heart beating against his ribs.

what had just happened

He could have been hurt really badly and he can't afford to do so, Tournament series was going to start shortly and he could not.

He calmed his breath and tried to gain his equilibrium before he could meet his with the perpetrator, he had seen her eyes and for some reason unknown, he recognized them.

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