1.0 | water lily

21 2 16

'you are your own kind'

The thing with colors was that they were not just colors, they were a feeling

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The thing with colors was that they were not just colors, they were a feeling. The blush pink blooming in your chest when you look at someone in admiration, the blue spreading through your veins on a gloomy day, the gold glowing at the center of your body when you sit under the sun on a wintery afternoon.

Chavi must have lost her mind, everything felt blurred after, and all the colors she had been feeling had formed a dull brown and sat heavy on her chest.

She thought back to the encounter in the morning, her dadi was packing her bags to leave in the afternoon since her six-month stay with them was over, and now her dada would join them till the spring arrived. She missed both of them equally but sometimes she wished that she would have been able to live with them together.

The thought alone that her parents might separate someday, after falling out of love or because of some small dispute and leaving all of that love they shared and had once showered on them, left a very bitter taste in her mouth.

She fidgeted with the blue hair tie around her wrist and looked down to realize she had brought it with her to school, she was more of a bracelets and beaded jewelry kind of person, hair ties and scrunchies? she brought many for herself but never received them as gifts so she could never imagine herself with it. Moreover, it belonged to Ishar, she had borrowed it from him when her claw lip broke the other day on their return from the evening run.

you should return the things that do not belong to you

Her running shoes squelched against the damp roads, and her shoes had darkened in spots where they had come in contact with the puddle of water. She sighed frustratedly and walked faster toward the school gates to park her bicycle.

It had been raining since the last night and the dusty mist was all cleared now, she could feel the freshness in the cool morning air as she breathed it in, she loved monsoons in summer.

For a change, she had been quite early and knew that her friends had not arrived yet. She parked her bicycle, put a lock, and walked towards her class building. It was a short walk if you walk across the football ground when no one was watching but she thought against it when she heard running footsteps and the coach shouting commands as he lightly jogged behind them.

She looked at the sidewalk by the playground which led to her class and looked down at her damp sports shoes which would be soaked wet after she had walked its length.

She hitched the straps of her bag higher on her shoulder and kept the small foldable umbrella in her hand, to save her uniform if there was a sudden rain.

The athletes and all the sports club members were running laps around the large playground and from the small droplets on their hair and clothes, she had guessed it was not only from the training. All the captains and vice captains ran before their team and all of them were in sync, Chavi was in awe when she watched it all by standing by the sidewalk.

She stood in her spot when she saw Vijay running laps with the Badminton team and he smiled broadly when he noticed her, who waved energetically back at him. Soon the Volleyball team came after them, the tall figure that was commanding the group was none other than Garvit.

He looked straightforward, nowhere but the blank space at his eye level as he listened to the coach's instructions and ran along with it. She didn't know he played any sports or know the fact that he was the Captain of the Volleyball until now, she had always thought it would be Jay or the national level player of twelfth grade.

He looked like he was in some trance and his aim was fixed and everything else was just an illusion of wants at that particular fraction of time. The gray sleeveless jersey he wore like many others on the team looked tailor-made for him if made his toned arms stand out, the crew-cut hair only added to his look and Chavi had to remove her eyes before it back very much apparent.

thump. thump. thump

She didn't like this feeling, she willed herself to look at anyone but him as the memories from that particular afternoon flashed before him, he hadn't approached her the next second the bell rang and neither had he thrown her out of the window as she had bet he would.

He did not react to it as if he didn't care, which should be a good thing but still, she couldn't make herself believe if it was good or not.

A small smile formed on her lips when her eyes found Jay, he was talking about something to Ashok, who was also a part of the volleyball team as they jogged together with the team.

A call caught her attention and she saw the coach motioning for Garvit, and as if he broke away from a trance, his muscles relaxed and his eyes came back into focus he turned and went towards the coach standing on the sidelines at a distance away from her.

She moved her eyes and looked at Jay again and he must have noticed her when he raised his eyes as an indication and she sent a small wave back at him and Ashok who had noticed her as well, the hair tie swung on her wrist with the motion.

She could feel a set of eyes at the side of her face but she didn't give in to the temptation and ran the length of the sidewalk as fast as she could.

a yellow feeling made her shoulders feel alight


being consistent is a job in itself, tbh I wrote this chapter just this morning and there were times when i felt like leaving it and distracting myself with something else because responsibilities are a burden if you don't enjoy it and sometimes being consistent is a responsibility and the weight is too heavy to carry but I'm glad that u have come this far

i actually wanted this to be a short and light hearted read but i wonder if I am doing it justice or not? let me know what you think of the story too far.

we are so close to 500 and we are only on the tenth chapter!!! thank you everyone for your kind votes and encouragement <3

love from runahem

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