6: 𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

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She didn't hear from Midoriya after that. Though surprisingly her uncle did show up once or twice.

"So uh... When is your graduation?"
He asked her, he had actually shown up to pick her up from school. Leaving poor Iida to actually go straight to his own house for once.

"This Saturday." Kira said, looking out the window.

"Saturday... I'll have to mark my calendar so I don't forget." He thought simply. "Are you excited for high school?" He asked.

She shrugged. "I don't know, school is school I guess." Kira said with a frown.

"Well Princeton's girl's school is a great highschool. I did some research and there are plenty of opportunities." He said with a smile. "Well my assistant did research. But that's basically the same thing. Besides she knows much more about schools than I do."

"The best school around."
"Besides UA of course. But she can't go there..." He glanced at her in the review mirror.

To Kira's surprise he had actually considered passing one for all to her. He had thought about it three years ago. But decided that she was too fragile.

He still thought about it sometimes though. It was deeply buried, it almost seems like it had been something he wished could have been. But it was more of a dream than reality to him.

"Sounds great." She mumbled.

"Would you... Would you have wanted to go anywhere else?" He asked nervously. "I didn't even think to give her an option. But why would I? It's a fine school."

"No sir." She said. They were quiet until they pulled up to her apartment building.

"Well now it's time to pick up young Midoriya. The kid has been improving greatly these past few weeks. I'm really proud of him." He thought, saying bye to Kira and driving off, not even waiting to see if she made it inside the building safely.

He never thought that about her.

But why would he? She didn't do much for him to be proud of anyways.


"Kokoa, Kira.
Lani, Obo.
Lekki, Rose."
The principal listed off the students in her class with a bored, monotone voice. The girls stepped up on the small stage to receive a useless "diploma".

Kira didn't understand why they made such a deal over graduating middle school. It wasn't important like highschool or College.
She took it with a nervous smile, glancing over the crowd of people.
There were so many thoughts she couldn't even pick anything out. She took the roll of paper from her teacher. They both bowed, her lower than him. Then she walked off stage back to her seat.

After the entirely too long speech from the popular girl that was kinda a bully they were dismissed to their clapping families.

She looked over the crowd for the hundredth time. He wasn't there. She checked her phone. No messages explaining why not.

She shouldn't be upset by this. He was basically always absent, so why was she so surprised? Why did she expect anything more? She really didn't know.

Maybe it had something to do with all of these families around her. Each kid has two parents to greet them. Some even had siblings and grandparents here as well. And Kira? Well she was used to this disappointment. Choir shows? She performed to no one but strangers. Valentines day family dinners? She ate alone. Christmas parties? She didn't even bother going most years.

Her eyes felt warm. She wanted someone, she wanted her parents. But here she was, sitting in a fold out metal chair.


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