11: 𝐿𝑖𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟

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Kira's heart thundered in her chest, it's beat coming just as quickly as the detective's thoughts came through.

"She lied?! But her file... Could it be the way she phrased it? No. It's never gone off for something as silly as that before. So she's not quirkless? This is big, this is lying on your medical records big. She's hiding something. Why would she lie about her quirk? And what is it? It definitely has something to do with the information she knows. I didn't think she could be a criminal but now..."

Kira leaned forward. Clasping her hands together to stop them from shaking. This was bad. This was REALLY bad. How had she not known his quirk was a lie detector?! He hadn't thought of it directly. She assumed that he was just confident in his detective abilities. She had been dumb. Now he knows she lied, and he's taking it in the worst possible way.

So what now? He knew she had a quirk. He just didn't know what it was. He seemed prepared to go about the interview and then circle back to it. He didn't want her to know he caught her lie. But she couldn't go through this whole interview without lying while keeping her quirk a secret. She mentally groaned, she started becoming way too aware of the seconds she sat staring forward, hands pressed against her lips.

"Are you alright miss Kokoa?" Nezu asked her. "Would you like some tea?" He offered, though he was already pouring it.

"Yes please." She choked out. He slid the cup over. Kira, without hesitation grabbed the recording device and dropped it into the teacup. 'No going back now.' she thought as the dumbstruck men stared at her.

"Thanks." She said to Nezu. She looked at Naomasa. "Can you keep a secret?" She asked him. Looking him straight in the eye.

He blinked. "Erm... Yes?" He said, suddenly avoiding eye contact. He felt like he was being interrogated, and he didn't like that feeling at all. Kira stared for a few more seconds. Reading his every thought, looking for any sign of him lying.

"What about you?" She asked Nezu. The mouse frantically nodded. Almost giddy at the idea of knowing secrets. Kira got the feeling he knew a lot of them, just like she did.

"Yes of course." He said with a smile. She waited, no beep. Either he was telling the truth, or the detective's quirk didn't work on rodents.

"Alright fine." She leaned back, arms crossed. Anyone could tell she was now much more guarded. "I lied. You know that." She jerked her chin at the detective.

He raised his eyebrows. "Y-yes." He stammered.

"OoOo! About what?" Nezu asked, sipping his tea.

"I'm not quirkless." She said. "My files? Every document from when I was seven is completely forged."

"That's very-"

"It's illegal. I know, I didn't do it though." She shrugged.

"I have to report this-"

"Report it and I actually will stab you in the jugular with a pencil." She snapped. There was a beep. "Okay maybe not, but I'll be really pissed."

Nezu happily looked between them. Head swiveling with every word. He was very happy for some weird reason. The detective gaped at her. Mouth opening and then closing like a fish.


"Yep." She said.

"Oh let me guess!" Nezu clapped his paws. "You're a mind-reader! You're reading his mind! Oh how interesting! Do me!"

"Can't, doesn't work on animals." She mumbled.

"That's... That's the most powerful quirk I've ever heard of..." The detective whispered. "It beats mine in every way. She'd not only be able to tell when someones lying. She'd be able to tell exactly why and what the truth is- no, YOU'D be able to tell." He corrected himself and stared at her. Waiting for a response.

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