38: 𝑍𝑖𝑝𝑖𝑡

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"You've all been at work studies all week. So for Today's training we'll see if it's improved you physically at all." Aizawa said at the end of the regular school day. Now it was time for hero training. "So because of that, we've planned to do the same thing as last time we saw you in combat."

He pulled out the name picking boxes.
"Randomized one on one battles with quirks. The same style as the sports festival."

"Yay! Another chance to put my new combat skills to the test!"

"Ugh this again? How many times do they want to humiliate me?"

"Fuck yeah, something I'm actually good at. Maybe Kira won't slack off this time. I don't think I've ever actually seen her fight..."

'Hahaha I'm in danger.'

"The only difference is that you will be permitted to wear your hero costumes." He added. "Me and All Might will be watching and just as the sports festival, we'll interfere if necessary."

Kira tried not to groan and she shrunk down and grabbed her hair. Great, her uncle will be there. Probably interfering in anyway possible and making sure nothing gets too dangerous for her. Also possibly watching her fail and get smacked against the pavement by her peers.

"Is she nervous? She didn't fight last time and hasn't shown any combat skills either. I'm sure she'll be totally manly though. I wonder if her and Bakugou train together. I wish I could train with Bakugou, he totally pushed me past my limits in our fight at the sports festival."

"Oh shit her uncle. Will he do anything? No one knows they're related yet, at least I don't think so. Well other than Deku probably. I'm surprised he hasn't told everyone about it though." Bakugou thought, his hand propped on his chin.

"I hope I don't have to fight Kira. I don't think I could hit her, she's so cool."

'Why is everyone thinking about me?!' Kira scrunched up her nose with a frown. 'It's fine, just training. Plus he wouldn't want to risk my identity as his niece to be leaked right?' She sighed and checked her nails.

"You have fifteen minutes to get ready and be outside in in the training field. So get the hell out of my sight." Aizawa ordered. "Kira." He said as everyone rushed out the room. He pulled something out from under his desk. "Your hero costume is complete, see me after training if you decide it needs any more adjustments."

"Oh nice!" Kira said, grabbing the suitcase.

"Since you gave them a lot of creative liberty I'm sure you'll find things you want changed eventually." He said. Kira has given a few instructions and things she definitely didn't want them to add. But left a lot up to the creators because she really didn't care much either way.

"Thanks Aizawa." She smiled he just nodded.

"Alright, and don't worry about your uncle alright? I'll make sure he doesn't do anything he shouldn't." Aizawa added.

"I'm not worried about what he'll do. I'm worried about what he'll think." Kira hugged her case and looked down a little. "He's thinking of pulling me from the course and from UA all together. If I fail miserably infront of him or get hurt... He's my guardian, if he wants to transfer me there isn't really anything I can do about it."

"I'll make sure that doesn't happen." Aizawa awkwardly put a hand on her shoulder. "Kira... I think you should consider telling him. It won't do any harm, and it could make him see you differently."

"I know... I know I should trust him." Kira whispered. "But she hasn't done anything to deserve it. He wasn't there. He hasn't tried to really know me. He doesn't deserve to know my secrets."

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