59: 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑠

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A/N: double update because FireWood257 asked nicely.

It took her alarm going off three different times for Kira to force herself up from the floor. She was running late and she looked like shit. She didn't want to go to school.

So she didn't.

She didn't have anyone. She didn't have parents to force her up and out the door. She didn't have friends waiting for her when she got there. She felt so alone, so empty and completely useless and unneeded.

So she got up and fed her cat. Miso who had slept on her neck all night. Who had licked off her tears.

Miso needed her and that was enough for right now.

She doubted Bakugou would even want to see her at school, she doubted he'd be able to focus knowing she would be reading his mind the entire time. She didn't want to go and she had no motivation to do... Anything.

After the cat was fed Kira crawled under her covers and sat there. She wasn't asleep but she wasn't fully awake either. She just sat there, staring at the wall.

"God I'm pathetic."


"Hey Baku-bro!" Kirishima said after classes. "Where was Kira today?" He asked, propping an elbow on Bakugou's shoulder.

"Why should I fucking know." Bakugou grumbled. "What if he's hiding shit too. Can I ever actually trust anyone? I mean the likelihood of him having another quirk that invades my privacy is statistically slim. But what else huh? What could he be hiding?!"

"Really? You don't?" Kirishima asked, tilting her head. "Like she didn't text or call? That's kinda weird."

"It is weird. But why should I fucking care. She's not my friend anymore. She's probably off reading people's minds and learning all of their secrets or some shit."
"Whatever." Bakugou mumbled, kicking a rock. "Like I care."

"Maybe you should text her. Make sure she's okay?" Kirishima suggested.

"Text her yourself. Shitty hair." Bakugou said, shrugging him off. "I have more important things to do."

"Hey is everything alright man? You seem tense...er than usual." Kirishima asked, following behind Bakugou as the blonde tried to walk away.

"Yeah well I'm fine." He snapped. "This is just how I am."

"No it's not."
"Alright man... But you know you can trust me right?" Kirishima said with a smile.

"Yeah right." Bakugou shoved his hands in his pockets. "Can't trust anyone."

"That's not true!" He said. "And it's a total bummer thing to think!"

"Fine. Do you trust me? Huh? Tell me your secrets. Make it fair." Bakugou turned with a glare. Kirishima stared at him for a short second. "I'm sure he's not actually all cupcakes and rainbows."

"Uh... Sure! My hair isn't actually red, neither are my eyebrows. I dyed em!" Kirishima smiled a bright smile that showed that he really was all cupcakes and rainbows.

Bakugou looked and the hair, then back down with a scoff. "What color is it?"

"Black, but that was too boring. I wanted to look a little more showy when I got into the hero course! The only other person who knows is Mina." He said. "Are you sure you're okay man? Did something happen between you and Kira?"

"How'd you know that?!" Bakugou snapped with a suspicious glare. "Who knows. Maybe he's a mind-reader too. Maybe everyone is, everyone but me."

"Just a guess." Kirishima shrugged. "Wow so you two are fighting huh? I kinda thought you two just always got along."

"Yeah well we don't." Bakugou said. "And we won't, we're not friends anymore and I hate her." He stomped off and Kirishima chuckled.

"Oh come on! Kira's like... Your best friend ever right?" He asked, jogging after him. "I mean she was just over at your house scaring off Midoriya this weekend!"

"So?" Bakugou asked, glaring at him.

"So you're close! And obviously you both mean a lot to each other!" Kirishima nudged Bakugou's shoulder. "Come on! What could be so bad it ends a relationship as tight your yours?"

Bakugou opened his mouth and hesitated slightly. He briefly considered telling. Telling Kirishima Kira's secret. She invaded his privacy just as often right? Didn't he deserve to know too? Didn't everyone?

Bakugou looked away and shook his head. No. He couldn't do that to her. Kira knew all of his secrets and has kept them all quiet. At least as far as he knew. If she could keep his and everyone else's secrets safe... Then he could keep his mouth shut about hers.

Even if he did think everyone should know.

"She just... Kept something from me. Something really big. The entire time I knew her she was convincing me to tell her my secrets. Saying a could trust her. Turns out she had a lot of her own. She knows everything about me. And I'm starting to think I don't know shit about her." Bakugou said with a glare at the ground.

"Ooh." Kirishima nodded. "Yeah she does seem pretty secretive."

"You have no idea." Bakugou grumbled.

"But you don't hate her." The redhead pointed out.

"Yes I fucking do." The blonde responded, sending him a glare.

"Bakugou... If you hated her you would have told me the secret." Kirishima said with a smile. He put a hand on his classmates shoulder. "I saw you consider it, but you're not saying anything. You're keeping her secrets because you still care about her. Because you're a good friend."

Bakugou stared at him and rolled his eyes.
"Shut up. What do you know anyways?"

"Alright dude, have it your way." Kirishima put his hands up in defeat. Kirishima turned to walk down his own street and just like last time Bakugou stopped him with some final words.

"Hey shitty hair." Bakugou said and Kirishima turned with a smile.

"Yes Baku-bro?" He asked.

Bakugou glared at him. "Make... Make sure she's okay. Text her or some shit. You have her number."

Kirishima's smile brightened

"Sure thing!"


"Hahaha, alright. See you later cementos."
All Might said, waving bye to the other teacher as he exited. All Might gathered his things from the table he had been using in the teachers lounge when someone else walked in.

"All Might." Aizawa said, standing behind him. All might turned with a smile.

"Oh Aizawa! Hello, how are you?" He asked his coworker.

"Did you not receive the email I sent you a few days ago?" Aizawa asked, not returning his pleasantries.

"Oh erm... I'm not sure, I have several different emails... Let me see-" All Might began to pull out his laptop.

"That isn't necessary." Aizawa said, stepping closer. "As you know we're having standard meetings with the parents and guardians of the first year students starting last weekend. I'm sure you at least know that correct?"

"Oh yes of course - Oh! If you ever need any help I'd be glad to run a few meetings. I know you have many students to look after..." All Might stopped when Aizawa put up a hand. Silencing him.

"No that won't be necessary. I've been performing these alone for years." Aizawa said, he pulled up a chair and turned it to where the seat was facing All might.
"I only run into problems..."

All Might started to feel nervous for some reason. There was something about his coworker's state that unnerved him.

"When the guardians neglect to show up."

•°.NORMAL.°•Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon