52: 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑒

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A/N: What's this? A double update?! Gasp


"Bakugou lighten up." Kira groaned from her couch. Bakugou was standing in her small kitchen area, constantly glancing at the door. "He's not gonna barge in and shoot at us."

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Bakugou snapped, rolling his eyes. "I'm just sitting here. I don't need to lighten up."

"Just standing with your arms crossed staring at the door." Kira said. "Kirishima will be here in like twenty minutes. And He's probably the nicest guy I know. Everything will be fine."

"Of course it will be. Why wouldn't it be?" He stalked to the couch. "What's this?" He asked as a documentary played.

"A crimson riot documentary." Kira said.

"I still don't get why you picked an old school pro." Bakugou grumbled.

"Because no one else will, because there is a ton of easy to find info on him, because he's Kirishima's idol and the guy probably knows tons about him already. Plus the guy is a solid dude. There are so many fakes now a days. You gotta appreciate the good guys like crimson." Kira said putting up a finger for every point she made.

"Fuck you." Bakugou mumbled. Because those were all good reasons to cover him. Bakugou would have wanted to do a more flashy pro. Someone who really goes out there and just... Destroys all the competition and all of the villains. But not All might or endeavor. Both would be awkward considering their relatives in the class.

"You know, you're pretty dramatic sometimes KitKat." Kira said she shoved his head away as he leaned over the back of the couch. "It was a good idea. Accept it."

"Whatever." Bakugou grumbled. "I'm fucking hungry."

"Make yourself something, I have food here." Kira said, turning her attention back to the documentary.

"You don't have anything good." Bakugou whined, going through her cabinets. But Kira soon heard him mentally compiling everything he could make and he silently started to cook.

"Alright just put- where the fuck are her pans?! How much... It won't be done until Kirishima gets here, should I make enough for him? What if he doesn't want it?"
Bakugou thought, standing still for a few moments. Then he continued. "I'll make enough... Just in case."

Kira smiled and scrolled on her phone. Paying a small amount of attention to the TV. Soon the smell of rice, eggs and chicken filled the air of Kira's apartment. Kira didn't even know she had chicken, it was probably some sort of precooked stuff.
The meal was pretty much thrown together and cooked with soy sauce, but Kira didn't have the makings of a full meal. At least not one for three people.

"They better not hate this." Bakugou thought while pushing some broccoli florets around in a pan. "When is Kirishima getting here anyways?! What if he doesn't even show..."

There was a small timid knock on the door. Kira sensed Kirishima's insecure thoughts right away. "Okay this is it right? I really hope so, otherwise I'm just knocking on some random persons door. Hey I hear something, sounds like cooking."

"IT'S OPEN!!" Kira yelled, sitting up. The door slowly opened and Kirishima stuck his head in, he saw Kira and shot her his usual toothy grin.

"Kinda thought I had the wrong place." He said honestly, stepping in. He glanced down and saw Bakugou's shoes on the ground, so he slipped his Crocs off as well.

He cautiously walked in, looking at Kira.
"Huh... She looks different. Pretty. Not Prettier but pretty in a different way Weird- oh! She's not wearing any eye makeup. That must be it. Hey is Bakugou cooking?"

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