Chapter 9: Reunion

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I know in the real one Sanji gets nosebleeds and stuff because he hasn't seen women in 2 years but since this is Zosan the best I'm going to do is his usual cooing

Sanji's POV
The day finally arrived. I'm finally at Sabaody Archipelago. I kinda a miss this place especially the the l-ladies

"L-ladies, no leg hair, no weird faces, honest to goodness LADIES. AHH MY DARLING LADIES I'M BACK FROM HELL" I begin running towards them

"~Oh Sanji dear~" That annoying voice sent a shiver down my spine

"I guess this is good bye, unless of course you want to come back"


I then run off, away from the weirdos.

I made it to Shakky's bar and entered. It still looked the same

"Ah my darling Shakky, its good to see you again"

"Same to you, I guess that makes you number 7"

"Number 7?"

"Well in order of how you guys arrived"

Wait including me that means that there are 7 members of the crew here which means there's a possibility of Zoro being here, if he doesn't get lost that is. I want to ask about Zoro but that would be strange to her. I need to get that information without giving myself away

"So who are numbers 1-6?" I mentally gave my self a pat on the back for the smart thinking

"Well, number 1 is Roronoa..."
I am walking around the streets in search for a tuft of green hair. I barely even heard which other crew members where here, my mind focused on finding Zoro

'Damn it Marimo where are you?'

While walking a noticed a man who seems to be in slight panic

"Hello sir, is there a problem?"

"Well a man came here wanting to fish and I directed him towards the fishing boat but he got on a pirate ship and they were just heading for Fish man island, he had odd hair the colour green and carried three swords"


Sudden a ship emerged from the water and it was sliced. On one of ship's part was the person I've been looking and longing for.....Zoro. A small smile was formed when I saw him. Soon the joy turned to nervousness as he walked of the ship and onto the island.

I regained composure started walking towards him

"Oi Marimo"

Zoro's POV
What the heck wasn't that the fishing boat. I scratched my head in confusion then shrugged it off. 'I wonder if he's here yet'

"Oi Marimo"

'Marimo?' I guess it's true speak of the devil and he appears

I turn to face him and damn. He looks amazing. He's gotten taller obviously not as tall as me but still. He is now covering his right eye. He has gotten more muscular but still lean. The suit perfectly snugged on his body, showing his curves. All in all, I've gotta say, he looks hot

I have been waiting to see him, 2 years really gave me a lot of time to think and the result is I am hopelessly in love with him.

What I'd give to just run to him and kiss him, feel his soft lips on mine and his fingers cascading through my hair. Feel his body heat once more but I have to control myself

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