Chapter 16

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You can practically feel the dark aura illuminating from the snail, how venomously he spat the word out. Zoro was extremely pissed

"Oh Roronoa, I forgot I called you"

'That jackass. He did it on purpose'

"Wait Zoro it's not what-mph" I felt something shoved and fastened to my mouth

'He gagged me'

"Ssh princess I'm on a call"

I tried ungagging myself but it was futile, I couldn't and that grin was still on his face. I really want to kick that guy's face so hard he would barely recognize himself

"Roronoa it's good to hear from you. My name is Suga Wara but you can call me Suga-sama, we met before remember"

"Where's Sanji?"

'Zoro' I could already feel the tears welling up in my eyes 'I really miss him. Fuck I can't cry now'

"Now now, sorry, I can't tell you"


"But I can give you an opportunity to get princess here"

He caressed my cheek causing me to jerk away from the touch and growl. He merely chuckled at this then turned his attention back to the snail

"What opportunity?"

"I want to fight you Roronoa. If you win, and that's a big if, I'll tell you where he is. You might not reach him on time but you gotta take a risk right?"


"An hour from now"


"Where we first met and don't be late or say goodbye to blondie forever"

"I accept"

His smirk somehow got wider 'Boy do I really hate this guy'

"Since I'm such a good guy I'll allow you guys a final farewell" He momentarily put the transponder snail down then ungagged me "Make sure you savour this moment because this might be the last time you ever hear from him"

I growled at him then he brought the snail close to me



I felt a wave of relief and calm wash over me at hearing his voice. It might be better then smoking at calming me. I could feel so much emotions from that one word; worry, relief, joy and ....guilt? I'll ask about that later. It just felt so good to hear his voice again. I knew mine also had the same effect on him because of how is tone felt much softer

"Are you okay?"

"Fine but if you don't get me out of here quick I'm gonna lose it" I say in a joking manner hoping to lighten the mood

"Right" I heard the slight sadness lingering in his voice. Wait that's it

"Zoro don't be so down. Hurry up and save me" There was a brief silence

'Come on Zoro. Please get it'


I internally smiled at that. It's a good thing we can read and understand each other so well

"Zoro I guess this is g-"



"See you soon" I gasp then smile. In saying those words he is making it clear that we would be together soon. I can't wait

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