Chapter 15

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Third person POV
It was silent. No one knew how to break the silence. They were in shock. Nami had just explained the reason for Sanji's kidnapping. Zoro didn't what to say anything neither did the rest of the crew. Someone finally broke the silence , Miya

"Understood" she said this in a calm voice, all eyes immediately turned towards her

"This doesn't change our objective to get Sanji back"

"Miya's right" Luffy said with rare seriousness

"We also got something too"

The crew turned towards Miya. She pulled out a transponder snail from her pocket

"A transponder snail?" Usopp asked

"Yes. To be more specific a transponder snail given to us by the kidnapper" Gasps were head and eyes widened

"You mean you saw the person" Nami asked eagerly

"Yeah. He gave this to us so we could keep in touch" This time Luffy was the one to answer. Hope was slowly blossoming in all their hearts

"We're getting closer but this whole back and forward is a waste of time" seeing their confused stares Miya elaborated "I mean going to the city then running all the way to the ship. It takes time. We also can't dock the ship at the dock since it's a pirate ship"

"Miya-san is right it does take time" Robin said with a finger on her chin

"Woah you bros aren't suggesting leaving my ship alone are you. So not Super" Franky said holding on to the ship

"*sighs* fine you can watch over the ship, and prepare it when it's time for our getaway. We will keep you updated and call when we need you" Miya said


"But what about where we will stay in the city?" Brook questioned

"Hmm, we could rent a room?" Chopper offered

"I guess"

They were conversing when Nami suddenly remembered something. She dug through pockets and finally pulled out a card and showed it to everyone. Miya took the card and read it out loud

"'The Grand Palace Hotel. Take time to unwind and enjoy'. Nami where did you get this?"

"Same place I got the information. The guy said his dad owned the place and I could come anytime. Free of charge. It's even got a casino and gambling halls are always the best way to gain information" mumbling quietly and grinning evilly she says says the next part "-and get stinking rich"

Miya wasn't sure whether this was for Sanji or to satisfy her greed, probably a mixture of both. Ignoring the last part she goes on

"Well it seems we've figured it out. Grab some extra clothes. We are leaving in 20 minutes"

There was a chorus of 'hai' after she finished. Zoro didn't contribute to this conversation, he was lost in thought and was trying to control his anger as well as his other feelings

'The cook. die. Like hell I'll allow that'

He unconsciously tightened his hold on his sword. Miya and Luffy both noticed this and exchanged eye contact before deciding not to bring it up but instead keep quiet and tighten the grip they had on each other's hand

At the hotel
"WOAH This place is huge" Luffy, Chopper and Usopp marveled

"Indeed it is" Brook agreed

"Guys don't forget the reason we're here" Miya intervened. This got all their attention and they nodded

Miya looked towards Zoro hoping to see a change but, no, he was still quiet and supposedly "calm". She let out a sigh.

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