Chapter 21

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Okay guys this is the last chapter. Enjoy

Let's start

Sanji's POV
Well it's been a couple of days after the whole kidnapping fiasco. I'm currently in the kitchen preparing dinner. It feels  good to be back but there's just one thing

"Oi cook where's the sake"

Zoro has been more clingy than usually ever since then. I can't even cook without him being close by. He just has to be there. It's annoying. I get where he's coming from but still


I grabbed the drink from the cabinet and placed it down harshly. I had just about enough of this

"Here, now can you go. You've been way to clingy and it's freaking annoying. Can't you leave me alone"

Zoro's eyes widened slightly for a sec before returning to his usual look. I noticed a hint of hurt


He then snatched the drink and got up to leave

I then realized my mistake. I might have gone too far. Even though it was true but still

He was about to open the galley door and leave when grabbed his arm and pulled him to face me

"Wait, sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out like that" He didn't reply

'Fuck, did I mess this up '

"It's fine"

I look up at him and he had a soft look on his face. His eyes showing no deceit, it was genuine

"I guess I have been clingy lately, you need your space, sorry"

He apologized. He has only apologized to me a handful of times. Some were during sex when he thought he hurt me. Honestly this guy is too much

"Well it's not like I don't like being around you" I could feel my face warm up "I just want you to back off a little sometimes. I'll be fine"

"I get it, it's fine"

He gave me a light kiss on the forehead  and was heading outside when I stopped him again



'Fuck I didn't think this far'

"Um...." I looked around the kitchen then it hit me "Well you can stay if you want but you'll have to help with preparing dinner"

I wasn't even looking at his face. My face was probably on par with a tomato. I mean I just blew up at him about needing space and now I want him here. What is wrong with me

"You're really complicated cook"


"Sure, what should I do?"

Feeling my face cooled down I turn to him immediately switching to cook mode

"You can help me in cutting the vegetables"


Zoro wasn't half bad in the kitchen. He was talented with a knife, no surprise there. Most of the things I told him to do he did wrong and I had to show him or just handle it myself. We argued but it was fun and amusing. In end he helped to actually make a decent meal and even set the table

Dinner went well, Luffy stealing people's food, protests about Luffy stealing, and loud, sometimes weird, conversations that only make sense to this crew. Zoro and I slightly bickering over things. I guess old habits die hard

After dinner was done, I got to work washing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen. It was soon as prestined as it was before the crew came in

'I guess I deserve a smoke'

I went out to the top deck and was met with a cool breeze and the calming sloshing of the waves

I decided not to smoke this time instead I was leaning on the railings watching the sea as the moon illuminates over it making it sparkle. It was truly a beautiful sight. I couldn't help the small smile gracing my lips

A flash of 'them' came into mind. I jerked away, turning left and right then blinked furiously trying to get the image out of my head

'It's okay I'm safe. They can't-'

I jerked up, letting out a barely audible yelp when I felt arms go around me. I turned to be faced with Zoro who had a worried expression on

"You okay?"

I relaxed seeing him

"Oh yeah, you just surprised me"

Zoro nodded

"You sure you're okay?"

I chuckled lightly at his worry. Then I got an idea that would relax both of us. I leaned close to his ear to whisper seductively

"You know I could be better"

He let out a chuckle of his own

"Pervy cook"

Third person POV
Sanji wrapped his arms around Zoro's neck and legs around his waist

Their lips connected. Zoro asked for entrance to which Sanji quickly complied. Zoro quickly made his way to their room, carrying Sanji and never breaking the kiss

They made it to the room and placed Sanji on the bed, breaking the kiss. He began stripping as well as Sanji, knowing Zoro would probably ruin his shirt in an attempt to undress him

They were both naked and Zoro was towering over Sanji. Zoro was coming to lube his fingers when Sanji stopped him

"I already did it"

Zoro smirked and went up to kiss him on the lips

"Aren't you eager"


Sanji then smirked

"Fuck me Zoro"

On the deck you could hear the creaking of the bed, the slapping of skin, Zoro's grunts, Sanji's moans and the occasional 'harder' and 'faster', well Miya sure did. She is leaning on the railings sipping tea

"*Sighs* We really need to soundproof their room"

Words: 915

Me: Well this is the last chapter. Thanks to those who read
Akaashi: Yeah
Me: I already have chapter 1 of the sequel ready, just need to do a few minor things
Akaashi: What minor things
Me: You know.. type the chapter, find a sequel title, find a cover page and figure out a plot
Me: I do just need to adjust it a little
Akaashi: Good grief
Me: Anyway I'll try to get the sequel out. Thanks again to those who read


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