Chapter 14

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Third person POV

Ussop slouched on a chair. Robin, Nami and Ussop are currently in a cafe after hours of searching and interrogating people about Sanji's whereabouts to no avail

"We've been at this for a while and no one seems to know. They just give us weird looks" Ussop said

"yeah what's up with that"

Robin places her cup down, thinking about all her observations

"Haven't you guys noticed something's up with this island"

"How so?" Nami asked also placing her cup down

"There are no blondes on this island"

Nami and Usop begin to look around, glancing at the people. Usopp placed his finger on his chin

"Now that you mention it, there are brunettes, bluenettes, ravens, red heads, white heads, heck even green heads but there aren't any blondes"

"This could just be a coincidence but I have a feeling something's up judging by the way people reacted when we mentioned Sanji was a blonde" Robin took a sip of coffee before continuing "Therefore are best course of action is to ask about it. If we can't find him then we should at least know why he was taken, we could gain valuable information"

The trio  agreed to this plan. Nami looked around and saw a man who was flirting with girls and failing miserably. He was young, probably the same age as her. He had long brown her that barely reached up to his shoulders. His skin was the same colour as hers. He wore a blue button-up shirt with a sleeves black jacket and black pants to match. He wore a gold chain and an expensive ring, obviously to show off to girls

'Ugh a standard playboy'

An idea came into mind

"Hey Robin"


She pointed towards the guy, Robin , understanding, smiled and nodded. Nami got up and began her stride towards the guy

"Huh? where is she going?"

"Well Sniper-san, it seems our Navigator-san is going to get some answers"

"Oh come on ladies, don't be that way"


"Hmph" They walk away

"Talk about brutal" He said while rubbing his cheek "*sighs* what I'll give for a beautiful nice girl right now"


He turns around to see Nami using her most seductive/alluring voice and expression, she even stuck out her chest a little

"Well hello there" 'My prayer has been answered'

'This is going to be easy' Nami thought

"Mind if I sit here"

"No. Of course not, be my guest"

A waiter came by, took their orders then left

"So you new around here? cause I'm sure I'll never forget a beauty such as yourself"

'Ugh' "Yeah actually, how about you?"

"I've lived here practically my whole life"

"Oh, that means you must know a lot about this place, right?" Nami said leaning closer to him showing even more of her chest, all with a seductive smirk

"U-um yeah. I know everything about this place, ask me anything"

"Oh you sure?" Nami asked putting on a cute, innocent look

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