4. Thief

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"Ahem... Your Grace?" General Veerprathap called the lazy prince who was smiling to himself for no reason. Avyukt raised his brows when the general called him.


"Let's have a battle. Aren't you bored?" The General asked, trying to test if this man was really their prince or not. Ayukt was about to say okay when he suddenly thought of something.

What if he sweats a lot and start smelling by night?

He only had two pairs of clothes here. He can't afford to make them look ugly in front of Manasa. He had already given her a few creepy looks last night.

"No.. Battle with someone else." Avyukt said and went ahead to lay down on the blanket again to dream about Manasa.


"YOU BASTARD.. Where is our prince?How dare you use his identity and fool us? WHERE IS THE PRINCE?" The General got all hyper and started attacking Avyukt, who just got kicked by his subordinate.

"WHAT THE F*CK. How dare you kick me? GENERAL STOP.." Avyukt warned as he defended himself from the General's mad attacks.


The sounds of metal clashing echoed in the forest. The four other soldiers surrounded the General and the prince, wondering what got into their general to fight the prince as if he wanted to kill him.

"f*ck" Avyukt cursed under his breathe when the General's sword missed his throat just by an inch.

"AHHH..." The General screamed when Avyukt managed to twist his arm and take his weapon. He gulped looking into Avyukt's red eyes screaming of danger and anger.

"What the hell were you doing general?" Avyukt demanded in a low tone through his clenched teeth. The General finally felt that their prince was normal.

"F-Forgive me Your Grace. I was just worried about the sudden change in your behavior." The General explained, trying to sooth Avyukt's anger. Avyukt scoffed and threw the sword back to the General.

The prince no longer wanted to stay among these men thinking about Manasa. Irritated, he left the place and thought of finding the place Manasa would have visited in that remote forest.


"Hahaha.. You are too strict on our Jaggu brother. That is how boys are."

"That's right sir. That's right. You should go easy on him Lord Chandra."

"Ahh.. How I wish my son to be at least half as good as Jagannath"

"You must be a very proud father"

The men in the room commented and praised the eldest son of Lord Chandra, the military head of the South. They were are gathered in the former king Narendra's palace.

The old man sitting on a throne, Narendra, smiled hearing the men talk and praise the son of Lord Chandra. His wicked eyes scanned the crowd and then the military head, who was happily basking in the praises.

"You have such a wonderful son Lord Chandra. I guess there must be a long line of girls waiting to be chosen as his bride?" Narendra spoke as a maid filled his empty wine glass. Everyone stopped their chit chat and paid attention to the conversation.

Lord Chandra smirked and leisurely sipped on his wine. This was what he wanted. "Indeed you are right, Your Highness. We are looking for a good match for my son. The bride should be exceptional."

Narendra nodded and signaled his head guard. The head guard communicated something to the other soldiers and soon the room was vacated with only Narendra and Lord Chandra left inside.

Miracle of Love - Avyukt ManasaWhere stories live. Discover now