10. Marriage(1)

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[Few minutes before..]


Manasa could still hear the ringing in her ears because of that stinging slap on her cheek. Her grandfather was now furious beyond control. He had thought of arranging a meeting between Jagannath and Manasa today, but the first thing he found out was that Manasa ran away.

"You ungrateful girl. Useless and selfish. Just like your father. Useless. Useless.." Narendra shouted and kicked Manasa twice before dragging her to the boats.

Manasa whimpered but didn't resist. She had heard their arrival noise and voluntarily went closer to the bank so that they don't go deeper into the forest and find her brother and the prince.

"Sit" The old man pushed his granddaughter onto the boat before getting onto it. The other soldiers who accompanied the former king here followed them and soon the boats reached back to the palace.

"Go to your room and get ready. General Jagannath will be here soon. Be good to him." Narendra spoke through his gritted teeth as he glared at Manasa. Manasa silently stared back.

"I will not. I don't want to marry him." 


Manasa didn't know from where she got the guts to talk back to her grandfather, but she did, and was immediately rewarded with another loud slap.

"Don't you dare cross me girl. What were you doing in that forest? Huh?" her grandfather questioned, but Manasa kept mum.

SLAP.. "SPEAK.. Weren't you talking few seconds ago. Talk now."

Manasa's cheek was now red and swollen, with clear hand prints on her cheek.

"What going on here?" Both the princess and the grandfather turned towards the voice source. There stood Manasa's father, Narendra's son, and the king of the South, King Raghava.

Narendra, who was already mad at his granddaughter was now losing his patience when he saw his son in his palace. The same son who dethroned him and took over the throne. Ungrateful.

"What are you doing here?" Narendra asked, but the king just looked at Manasa who gulped under his gaze.

"I have fixed a marriage for you with the youngest prince of North. We will have to start now. Go and get ready." The king ordered and motioned few maids behind him to take care of Manasa.

"What do you think you are doing? Her marriage is already fixed with Jagannath." Narendra shouted, but the king simply rolled his eyes in response.

"Old man. Your time of making decisions has long gone away. It's now time to obey what I say. Okay? Your are old. Sit in the palace, or go to some pilgrimage. Don't think of using your fried up brain." 

The king warned his father and looked at his daughter who was still standing there with her fists clenched. Manasa took a deep breathe before speaking again. 

"I don't want to marry him. I will not marry" She never knew she could be this bold. She was still opposing them even after getting beaten.

The king raised his brows hearing his daughter. He slowly walked towards her and looked at her carefully before chuckling. He lovingly put his palm on the princess's head.

"Can you speak a little louder dear. Father didn't hear you."

And this time Manasa was really really scared. She wasn't scared of her angry and furious grandfather as much as she was scared of her calm and composed father. She stood stiff and pale.

"I asked you to repeat dear..."


Manasa flinched. Not only Manasa, but all the servants present flinched hearing the king shout. Manasa parted her lips to speak but nothing came out. She was terrified. She knew whatever she says will be of no use. She just hoped that no one will find her Krishna in that forest.


[After 20 days..]

"Cut the crap and get to the point" Avyukt said, irritated and exhausted after the long trip back to the North. And the first thing he saw after returning was his fathers face, along with his beautiful wife's face smile.

The King clenched his jaw but still maintained a smile on his. Everyone in the palace knew who actually had the power in the palace. It was the youngest prince, not the king.

"Ahem.. I hope you have heard about the youngest princess of South. She is the most beautiful women you can ever find in the entire continent. And she also.."

"Do I look like I am interesting in your research on the princess?" The king immediately shut his mouth after hearing his son.

"Avyukt. Son.. Is this how you speak to your father? We have been waiting for you.."

"I wonder why you are not marrying the princess to your son? Didn't you always the save the best for your son?" Avyukt asked, well aware that this marriage was the queen's plot. This was also the reason why he was worried about Manasa.

"Haha.. What are talking Avyukt. You are my son too.."

"Oh please.." Avyukt scoffed and left. He was already concerned about his princess's well being and here this woman is busy perfecting the art of a real mother in front of him.

"Ahem.. My prince" The General called when Avyukt reached his room. Avyukt glared at the General who was now carrying a blue eye. Result of him stopping the prince from running back to South in the middle of the their journey.

"The bride's family has started their journey today." The General said, making Avyukt sigh. Manasa must be so lonely now. He just hoped that she will stay strong till she reaches North. He will never ever have her face this kind of torture again.

He was thinking about Manasa when a sudden idea clicked his mind.

"General.. Go and get your son here." Avyukt said as he remembered the three year old boy. 

He knew Manasa liked kids a lot. Kids weren't cunning and scheming. They have pure hearts. They speak what they feel, no pretense, no lies, just innocence and warmth.

The General frowned and pursed his lips. The General knew that the prince wasn't fond of kids. Atleast the prince he knew before the boat man story wasn't fond of kids.

Was he planning to take his revenge on his son too?

"Stop thinking too much. I want your son to put few good words about me near my wife when she arrives here. Let me train him for next two weeks." Avyukt said enthusiastically. The General had his jaw dropped. Train a three year old kid to spout lies about him? What a shameless man.

"No. My son is scared of you. My wife will not allow me to bring him here." The General said with a stoic face. Not only his son, all the kids in the kingdom are scared of this prince. He even remembered an incident when his wife scared his son using Avyukt's name to make him eat.

"Hey Veer bhaiyya(brother). Don't you want to spend some alone time with your wife. I will look after your son. You can take few days leave. How does that sound?" Avyukt said, and the General was tempted by the offer.

His wife was very busy looking after his son during the first year after his birth. In the second year he was busy because of this prince and his greedy conquests. It was a miracle that this devil was giving him days off along with the baby sitting option. Only a fool would refuse such an option.

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