9. Death

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Avyukt quietly walked into the forest. It was good that this forest didn't have any tigers or lions roaming around. The prince concentrated on his surroundings, trying to hear any human sound nearby.

Sob.. Sob.. sob..

Avyukt stopped and strained his hearing to catch those light sobs nearby. Undoubtedly, they belonged to Manasa. He panicked not knowing what made her cry by forced himself to calm down.

Though the prince could hear the voice, the person was no where in sight. Avyukt investigated a lot before he finally found a circular wooden door on the ground. It was well hidden by the leaves and bushes.

'Why would she come to a place like this?' Avyukt thought and lifted the wooden lid. And now Manasa's sobs were even more clear. The prince looked at the not so dark sky before jumping in.

"Manasa.." Avyukt whispered when he saw the girl crying on the floor as she held onto a young man tightly. His gaze shifted onto the basket she used to carry every night. There was some food in it, along with some rare medicines.

'Who is this man? Why are you crying for him?' Avyukt wanted to ask, but those words got struck in this throat when he recognized the man. It was none other than the crown prince of the South. .. No.. The late crown prince of the South. Manasa's biological brother.

Avyukt once had an opportunity of meeting this man and was amazed at the prince's wits and humor. He was a little shocked when he heard the news of this crown prince being executed as a traitor by his own father.

He looked at Manasa, who somehow managed to keep him alive for more than a year. Avyukt closed his eyes and took a deep breathe.





"What is this?" Avyukt asked as he leisurely seated himself on the bed. He had just returned back after a successful conquest and found a man's bracelet in his wife's wardrobe. 

Manasa, kept quiet as she looked at her husband. She still didn't know how to speak to him. They were practically strangers who shared bed on their first night. She was not yet used to this new place and people.

"Your Highness... When did arrive?" Manasa asked as she made her way towards him. But Ayukt didn't make any effort to approach her and made himself comfortable on bed. 

"He must be special if you have so safely kept it with you. Hmm?" 

Manasa was perplexed by the tone he used. Was he accusing her? She just stood there dumbfounded.

"I am asking you something?" Avyukt raised his voice, making Manasa flinch.

"You are misunderstanding me Your Highness. That bracelet belongs to .."

"I don't care. Just make sure you never tarnish my name. I will visit you tonight again." And that's it. He left. 





Avyukt opened his eyes and saw Manasa crying. The fact that she hid her brother here meant that she couldn't grieve his death freely. She didn't have any emotional support. She must still grieving her brother's death when they got married. His behavior must have broken her day by day in his palace.

"Manasa... Shhh.." Avyukt took her into his embrace and kissed her forehead. The princess didn't have mood to think how he found this place or what the time was. She hugged him and just kept saying that her brother left her.


Manasa became quiet after sometime. Avyukt kept patting her back as he thought of what to do next. By now everyone must have got to know about Manasa's absence. Should he just reveal his identity? But he was well aware of how worse his reputation was in the public. He didn't want to stress her right now.

"C-Can you please take me away?" Manasa pleaded softly as she leaned weakly into his embrace. "Please"

"Let us first properly send your brother. hmm?" Avyukt asked, knowing that they couldn't just keep sitting here doing nothing. And taking her away wasn't easy. He should make sure that his enemies will not target Manasa.

Manasa stayed in his embrace for some more time. It gave her comfort and security. Manasa got up and come out of that underground cabin. Avyukt followed her and brought her brother out too.

"Manasa. Wait here for me. Don't go anywhere. I will be right back. I will get some help." Avyukt said and left to get his soldiers.


"Call the General back. We need to move from... What's happening?" Avyukt asked when he saw that there were few messengers in the camp.

"Your Grace. The king ordered you to come back immediately." A messenger relayed the king's order. This made Avyukt sneer. As if that old man can order him around.

"Tell your king to wait till I get the mood to return." Avyukt said dismissively but the messenger still had something to say.

"The King has announced you as the crown prince Your Highness. And your coronation needs to be completed in the next two months." The messenger said. This was unexpected, as Avyukt clearly remembered that he was never announced as the crown prince. He killed his father and his brother to get the throne.

The prince looked at the letter with the royal seal and confirmed that the letter was indeed legitimate. Avyukt shook his head and looked around. Seems like his convoy was ready.

"Whatever. Tell your king to wait." Avyukt said and went into the General's tent.

"General. We need to .."

"My Prince. We need to leave this place now. The queen seems to be planning something. The capital is the safest place for.."

"SHUT UP AND LISTEN.." Avyukt's shout effectively shut the General. "Go find a priest to perform the rituals of a cremation and Manasa will also be coming with us to the North." The prince said and dashed out of the tent before the General could start advising him again.

The General followed the prince and ordered other soldiers to stay in the camp.

"That won't be necessary your highness." The General said and Avyukt frowned. What is not necessary?

"The King has sent a proposal for you. He wants to you to marry the youngest princess of South, Princess Manasa." Now Avyukt was utterly speechless. What the hell was the old man planning? Avyukt was totally confused. What politics did they play when he was here?

Clueless, he made his way to the spot where he left Manasa only to find the body abandoned there. Manasa was nowhere in sight.

"Your Higness. Who is this?" The General became alerted when he saw the body. Avyukt didn't answer and was about to go towards the river when the General gripped his arm. His grip was so tight that Avyukt knew the General would rather tie him down than letting him roam around.

"My Prince. This is not our territory. And don't worry about the princess. She will be safe. The king of South has promised his daughter to you. She will eventually come to you. We need to go back now."

Avyukt didn't feel like doing so, but he also knew that the General was right. He didn't have enough man power to get Manasa right now. He calmed down a bit when he finally heard the sounds of few boats crossing the river. That meant Manasa's grandfather found her. No.. That meant Manasa herself showed up in front of them. That must be reason why they didn't come deep enough into the forest to find this body.

"Then just find a priest. I will do the rituals."

Miracle of Love - Avyukt ManasaWhere stories live. Discover now