Chapter 16 No woman deserves this!

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Steve's P

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Steve's P.O.V.

It's late at night, and an unsettling restlessness has overtaken me. I can't shake off the feeling that something is wrong with Grace.

As I can't ignore my growing concern, I decide to check on her. I pick up my phone and access the tracking app I had discreetly installed on her phone when I gave her a new phone. I know I hate her, but her safety is my responsibility.

I reach the club, following her location.

As I pull into the club's parking area, the sight that greets me is a nightmare. I see Grace; her torn dress, and the menacing figures of two men who have pinned her to the ground.

I can't believe what I'm witnessing. Anger consumes me.

Without hesitation, I leap out of my car, my steps fueled by rage. With swift and powerful strides, I approach the men who have caused her harm.

I seize and yank the bloody bastards away from Grace. Anger courses through me as I meet the terror-stricken gaze in her tear-filled eyes. I have never seen her so vulnerable before, and it hurts to see her like this.

No matter how complicated our relationship is, no woman deserves this.

As she continues to shed tears, I take out the cloth from her mouth before covering her with my coat.

After giving her a look of reassurance, I turn towards the rascals, who try to harm her.

"How dare you?" I growl, my fists clenched in rage. "She is my wife, and no one touches her like that."

I drift my eyes to Grace, who now huddled in the corner, watches in shock and disbelief.

It's ironic–the person she dislikes most has become her protector tonight.

She's too traumatized to speak, tears streaming down her face as she realizes she's been rescued from a nightmare she thought she would never escape.

Then I attack the bastards, punching with the outrage to ensure these men pay for their actions.

I keep hitting them relentlessly and don't stop until I'm sure these men won't ever harm anyone again.

I step back, gasping for breath, my knuckles bloodied and bruised.

With shaking hands, I dial the police. I want to make sure these men face justice for what they did.

My eyes soften as I turn my attention to Grace, who remains in the corner, still trembling from the trauma, her eyes down to the floor.

I approach her and kneel in front of her. As I place my hand on her arm, she jerks my hands, shouting and trembling in terror, "Don't come close to me!"

My heart aches, seeing the fear and trauma of her. It's clear that the horrors she has experienced tonight have deeply scared her.

I squeeze my eyes to compose myself.

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