Chapter 47 I've Always Loved You

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I return to the earth as twins squirm in my arms, trying to catch my attention. Their innocent smile distracts me from the guilt I'm going through.

"I'm sorry, little ones that I misjudged your mommy. Will you both help me understand her better?" I whisper to the twins, feeling remorse for hurting my love.

As if responding to me, the twins giggle and lift their hands to touch my face. Their touch gives me a comforting warmth.

I also feel a bit relieved because the changed version of Grace wasn't just my imagination. She has truly changed. She wasn't deceiving me for her purposes. My love story will get a happy ending, I'm certain now.

I decide to talk with Grace, understanding that there might be more to the story than I initially understood.

As I enter our room, I find her sitting alone on the sofa, her eyes filled with pain, fixed on the floor. Whenever I see her upset, it shatters my heart. But now it hurts me even more because I'm the reason for her pain.

Damn it, Steve. Just stop hurting her, for God's sake.

After laying down the babies in the crib, I turn on the mobile toys above the crib to keep them busy with their rhythmic sounds.

Glancing at Grace, I compose myself before approaching her. I settle down beside her and entangle my pinky finger with hers like she always does. As I did this, a lone tear rolls down her cheek, making me feel more guilty for not listening to her.

However, I'm a bit relieved because she doesn't push away my hand.

After moving closer to her face, as I suck the tear from her face, she closes her eyes in response, getting lost in my touch. Like this, I wish to take away all the pain from her life with my love.

I retreat from her and notice that her eyes are still closed. "Grace." She opens her eyes as I call her, gently tucking her brown lock behind her ear. "I'm so sorry. I should have listened to you." My voice is filled with remorse as I apologise.

If I had listened to her that night, we wouldn't have had to go through all the suffering.

"You shouldn't apologise, Steve, as I haven't given you any reason to trust me. It is difficult to believe that I have changed because I was so manipulative and self-centred earlier. It's not your fault." She utters, clearly hurt.

I shake my head. "No, Grace. You have changed now, I can see that—"

As I try to explain, she cuts me off. "No, Steve, you will never understand me. When a situation like that day occurs again, you'll react in the same way." She pulls her hand away and looks away.

As I take her chin in a gentle hold and turn her face towards me, my eyes filled with guilt meet her eyes filled with hurt. "I promise I'll always trust you, Grace," I whisper, looking straight into her eyes.

"No, you won't trust me, Steve. You will always see me as the mother of your babies." Her voice chokes with emotions, and I feel a twinge in my heart.

I fix my gaze filled with honesty on her. "Grace, you're more than just the mother of our babies. You're important to me. I want to understand you, support you, and build a future together."

"Steve, we're not together anymore. We're not a couple. You're just letting me stay with you for the twins." She looks at me with sadness in her eyes.

I think it's finally time to reveal a secret to her.

I take a deep breath before speaking in a soft tone. "No, Grace, I'm letting you stay with me because I want you back in my life, and you're still my wife." As I reveal this, she freezes in her place, and her eyes widen in astonishment.

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