Chapter 43 His Forever Wife

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The next morning, as I wake up, I find Steve getting ready for the office. I check on the babies. They both are sleeping peacefully in the crib.

I can't believe it's been over a week since the twins came into the world. It feels like they were born just yesterday! And it's incredible how Steve, my ex-husband, stands by me every day.

"Good morning, mommy," he wishes to me, a warm smile gracing his lips, as I step down from the bed.

"Good morning, Daddy," I respond to him in a cheerful tone.

It feels unreal that we're living together again, not as a couple, but it still feels so good. Just his mere presence is enough to brighten my day. I really don't want a life where he's with me. Those eight months without him were miserable, and it was all my fault for hiding my pregnancy. I feel like such an idiot for doing that.

"Anyway, I've hired a nanny for the twins. She'll help you in my absence," he informs me, adjusting his tie.

"Steve, you didn't have to do that. I can take care of them. Or do you think I'm not good enough to take care of them without you?" I ask, approaching him.

The thought of him thinking I'm not good enough for him or our babies makes my heart ache.

Steve turns to face me, his expression softening as he takes my hands in his. "No, Grace, it's not about that at all. I know you're more than capable of taking care of the twins on your own. But," he takes a brief pause before continuing, "It can be overwhelming to manage everything alone. I want you to have some help, especially when I'm not around. I want you to have time for yourself."

His words touch my heart, and I feel a lump form in my throat. I'm not used to someone genuinely thinking about me.

I just stare at him because he has left me completely speechless.

How can a person like him exist? I've hurt him so much in the past. I have treated him so badly, and not just that, I even hid the news about my pregnancy from him. Still, from the moment he stepped back into my life again, he's not just taking good care of our babies, but also of me.

He's treating me so well, with so much care, which I don't even deserve.

Unknowingly, his gestures are making me fall for him even more.

"We're in this together, Grace. Now you get fresh. I'm here with the babies," his words bring me back to earth, and I nod in response before heading to the bathroom.


As I step out of the bathroom, I find Steve by the crib, talking to Giana and Evan in a gentle tone. The twins look at him with their innocent eyes, captivated by their father's voice.

"I don't want to leave you both, you know that? Daddy has an important meeting today, but I promise I'll be back soon." He whispers to them, his love for them clearly visible in his eyes.

I stand there, observing the tender moment between Steve and the babies, feeling a warmth in my heart. It feels so fucking good to see this.

"Steve, now you can leave. I'll take care of them, don't worry." I reassure him, heading over to them.

He nods at me before looking back at the twins. "I'll miss you both, but mommy will be here with you, and she will take good care of you. Daddy will see you in the evening."

He kisses their forehead before turning towards me. "Bye, Grace. If you need some help, just give me a call."

I nod at him before caressing the cheeks of the twins and making funny faces to make them laugh. "Say bye to Daddy, my little munchkin. Bye, Daddy." I hold their hands and wave them at Steve.

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