Chapter 46 You'll Never Trust Me

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Steve's P.O.V.

It's been a few days since the twins' welcome party. The dance with Grace that night it's forever etched in my memory. It was such a blissful moment. And now, it's been almost three weeks since Grace reentered my life, bringing along our two bundles of joy. With each passing day, I'm trusting Grace more and more. She has truly changed herself.

I'm not angry with her anymore. Actually, when I reflect on our past, I have realised that it wasn't entirely her fault for not telling me about her pregnancy. I never made her feel like I truly cared for her, and I never made an effort to truly understand her on a deeper level.

So, as much as she was at fault, I was at fault as well. Somewhere, I feel I was more at fault because when she left me, during our separation, I used to claim that I loved her, that I would be there for her, and that I just wanted to meet her. But when I met her, what did I do? I blamed her.

It was so foolish of me that instead of engulfing her in my arms and showering her with all my love; I behaved like a jerk. I feel like I messed up because I claimed to be in love, but if I truly love her, then I should have confessed it to her by now, rather than expressing it through my gestures.

But I've just realised that love should be expressed in words. As poetic as it may sound that love can be felt, it's true, but that's not enough. If you're truly in love, express it, and make the effort.

However, now I'll waste no more time. I'm going to confess to her how much she truly means to me before it's too late. She has changed so much; she has become softer with everyone around her and has started understanding other people's points of view, which only makes me fall for her even harder than before.

I love her with all her flaws, but witnessing her transformation in such a positive way deepens my love for her even further.

The entire day at the office, her face and her smile kept flashing in my mind. All I want now is to go to her, embrace her in my arms, and tell her how much I love and miss her.

As soon as I finish my work at the office, I head straight home to meet her. I want to express my feelings to her without delay.

However, as I enter my room, a scene in front of me shatters the image I had of Grace's transformation. I see her yelling at Olivia with the same tone and harshness she once used for the maids and servants in the house.

I'm taken aback.

Grace growls, "Just shut up and get lost. I don't want to hear anything."

"I'm sorry—"

"Fucking get lost." As Grace shouts, Olivia leaves in tears, uttering apologies that fall on deaf ears.

My heart sinks. I feel disappointed, and I can't shake off the realisation that perhaps Grace hasn't changed at all.

Was her entire transformation just an act to stay with the twins?

I thought she had changed. It hurts so deeply that I forget I have to confess my feelings to her.

Confess my feelings to whom? The woman who can do anything for her purpose. I can't believe I trusted her so easily. I feel so stupid.

Why the fuck every time I let her hurt me? Why?

'You'll regret supporting this woman as I had regretted in the past. Mark my words.' Dad's words echo in my ear, and I feel lumps in my throat. I feel like it's a nightmare.

As Grace's eyes fall on me, she composes herself and approaches me, "Steve—"

Before she can say something, I utter, my voice broken and filled with disappointment. "I thought you had changed, Grace. But you're still the same, shouting at the servant without any reason."

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