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2 weeks later | Elmore residence
Kanari Alizae Brown

It was one of those days. Kanari was staring in the mirror with hot tears rolling down her face. She was in the middle of her morning affirmations and something decided to take over her. She had been doing so good recently, so why was this happening all of a sudden?

Looking down at her old scars, she traced over them, doing everything in her power to not make new ones.

"What the absolute fuck is wrong with me?" She asked herself, using the sleeve of her nightgown to wipe away her tears.

Quietly walking to her room, she rummaged in her jacket pocket, looking for her car keys. Finally finding them, she proceeded to the front room, putting on her 'bone' Yeezy slides that matched Sevyn's.

Hearing Sevyn's footsteps right behind her, she hurried up and slammed the door shut before he could follow her outside. She knew communicating with him would've been better, but she couldn't talk to anyone right now. Shit, she could barely even look at herself.

Kanari walked to her 2021 Toyota Camry SE, unlocking the doors so she could get inside. Though she had plans to drive off, she felt tears building up. Knowing it wasn't safe to cry and drive, she just sat in the drivers seat and began to sob.

Kanari felt like her whole world was coming down. She knew that things were too good to be true. Her mother hadn't been blowing her phone, Sevyn and Tank were giving her princess treatment, and her depression wasn't bothering her.

She heard the passenger door open and felt hot air flow into the car, but she didn't bother to look over to see Sevyn making his way inside.

"Mama what's wrong? Why you slamming doors on me like that? Did I do something wrong?" He asked, genuinely confused at Kanari and her actions.

Shaking her head no, more tears began to build up in her eyes. She honestly didn't know what was wrong with her and she didn't care to find out. She just wanted to push her problems to the side by smoking the pain away, something she hadn't done in a long time.

"Talk to me mama, I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong." He spoke once more.

"I don't know what's wrong with me. I just wanna be normal, I'm tired of all this depression shit. I feel so helpless bro." She finally said, letting more hot tears stream down her face.

Not saying anything back yet, he kilt the engine of her car. Reaching over the armrest, he grabbed Kanari by the waist so he could sit her on his lap.

"I gotchu Alizae. No matter what I gotta do, Imma make sure that you get yo' happy ending." He consoled, rubbing his hands up and down her back.

"And I kno' it ain't that easy but you gotta bear with me. I can't help you if you don't wanna be helped. Ok?" He spoke again, wanting her to listen to what he was saying.

"Mmhm." Was all she could say back. She was so fed up with always being sick and tired.

Kanari also had a problem when it came to her independence. Growing up, she was taught that she never needed anyone for anything, causing her to push the ones closest to her away. It actually took her a minute to open up to her therapist because she wanted to stick by her 'independent' memo.

Sevyn held onto Kanari's waist before using his right hand to open the passenger door. He then made sure she was stable before getting out of the car, eventually heading towards the front door with her still in his arms.

Going upstairs in Sevyn's arms, she allowed her body to go limp as he was carrying her. She was tired of crying but it was all she knew how to do at the moment.

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