Ch 21

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Jin - stop crying tae...pls...(comforting him)

Taehyung - h-hyung I-(crying continuously)

Hoseok - taeh, pls....don't cry man....(rubbing his shoulder)

Jimin - Taehyung calm down. (Softly, holding him secured in his hug)

Jungkook - hyung pls tell us first pls. W-what happened? (Worried)

Taehyung - h-y-hyung I-I f-ai-failed a-as a b-b-ro-brother...(sobbing hard, not being able to speak and breathe)

Namjoon - Taehyung calm down boy. Just stop crying and please tell us...

~ Flash back ~

Taehyung pov
(Knock knock)

?? - come in please.

Taehyung - (enter) (bowed)

?? - yes Mr.Kim. Have a seat please. 

Taehyung - Mr.Sunwoo is it something serious? Has y/n done anything?

Sunwoo - no sir, we just got a footage of y/n being-

Taehyung - being? What? Is everything alright.? (Worried)

Sunwoo - I prefer you see it yourself.

The principal turned his laptop screen towards me and the next moment after he played the video. My soul left my body. Se-seriously....Am I such a bad brother. Why why why......I can't protect my little sister...Am I such a horrible human being?
I was startled by whatever I saw. My baby being bullied so bad and she didn't even tell us anything? Are we that strict that she can't even share her problems with us...I can't imagine how bad her mental state right now is. The video stopped and I just looked at him with strange and disturbing eyes.

Sunwoo - Mr.Kim. Im so sorry from the side of my kid...(looking down)

Taehyung - your kid? (Confused)

Sunwoo - yes Mr.Taehyung. That boy in the video, i-is my son. (Ashamed)

Taehyung - sir pls don't feel ashamed. This is not your fault....and if you provide me permission c-can I leave? (Worried about something)

Sunwoo - a-are you sure, you'd be able to drive?

Taehyung - I will manage.... (Left)


Yoongi - Taehyung stop crying. Don't you think y/n would be hurt after seeing you cry? (Soft)

Taehyung - I feel extremely heartbroken. (Sobbing very much)

Jimin - Taehyung.'s not the time to-

Taehyung - what do you think you are hyung? You are not showing it but all of you are broken. (Crying)

Jungkook - b-but we've to be strong together for OUR LITTLE SISTER hyung....(broken)

Namjoon - Taehyung stop crying. L-lets talk to y/n first hmm? (Broken)

Taehyung - b-but hyung, those two are blackmailing her for her nude pictures and she was begging to them for mercy....(crying)

All of them were broken after the news broke out to them. They were trying to comfort Taehyung but the reality was, all of them needed comfort but the one who was suffering was in different pain. Not being even able to express her pain.
All of them went upside to y/n's room and what they saw next was shocking to them even more than the news.


This chapter's idea was suggested by @nishthabansal6. Check her out too. And thank you so much for your idea, I really appreciate it. And guys thanks for your love and support you guys are providing to my story. If anyone else has an idea please comment it down below or DM me.

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