Ch 29

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Jungkook - what happened doctor? Is anything wrong? (Worried)

Doctor - n-no, but I don't understand what injuries she has. If she is in a lot of pain then I'll have to give her 4 shots...(examining her facial expression)

Yoongi - is there any method she could wake up by? (Worries)

Doctor - there is but it's far better if she gains consciousness by her own.

Y/n - o-o-op-pa...(mumbled)

Yoongi pov

We were all waiting, (me and Jk). But the doctor wasn't doing anything, he was just staring at y/n's blank face. Jungkook asked if something was wrong and doctor stated that he will have to inject her if she has serious pain experience.
Soon, we heard a little mumble from y/n's side which was almost a little louder than a whisper. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around to see us and the doctor. Jungkook sat down beside as her as he spoke

Jungkook - b-baby...a-are you fine? (Guilty and worried)

Y/n - o-o-oppa...d-doct-or...(low voice)

Doctor - hey relax! I wont do anything...(assuring her)

Yoongi - y/niee...try to understand. Y-you fainted from the pain so we called the doctor hmm? (Trying to make her understand)

Jungkook - so baby! Cooperate pls...(worried)

Doctor - Ms.Y/n I need your permission to check you...(asking her while wearing gloves)

Y/n - o-o-oka-ay...(barely audible)

I sat on bed, on the other side of her and she immediately laid her head over my lap, closing her eyes. The doctor touched her stomach lightly and she hissed in pain, he took his band back for a second but again touched her as she felt a burning sensation which came out in the form of a scream from her mouth. She squinted her eyes out of pain. Doctor then examined her thighs which was red but not as damaged as her stomach.

Doctor - is there any other place where you have wounds?

Y/n - (nodded) b-back-si-de...(pained voice)

Doctor - can you pls turn around?

Y/n as told but very slowly. She hid her face in my lap. The doctor downward her panty and was a bit amazed to see how bruised her bottom was but he understood that it might have been a spanking. Doctor touched her behind and as soon as he did, y/n gasped and clutched my pants in her hands.

Doctor - okay, so I was right. Ms. Y/n I've to give you 4 injections on your butt. I know it will hurt because you already have bruises on it but Im sorry, you'll have to bear it.

Y/n- WHAT! INJECTIONS! NO......(shouted)

Jungkook - sorry baby, you have to. (Taking her on his lap)

She screamed so loud after hearing the name of injection that Im amazed that how had Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin handled all of her vaccinations? Like I bow to you three man. Soon as she screamed, jungkook took her on his lap, and laid her straight. Y/n grabbed his shirt tightly as she was continuously begging not to do this.
Meanwhile, The doctor, who had already prepared all of the injections was ready to inject her. He looked at Jungkook, as he gave the doc a small nod, granting him the permission. Jungkook held y/n's both hands in his one and caressed her head by his free hand. Doctor injected her the first one and she hissed at it.

Y/n- more.....pls oppa.....(hissing)

Doctor didn't say anything and injected the second one in the same butt cheek. Y/n cried this time as she wiggled a bit.

Y/n - o-oppa pls....ahhh...(crying)

Doctor - kid, pls stop wiggling or the needle would break. (Serious face)

Soon he was done with the second one also. Doctor injected the third one in the other butt cheek of her and this time she was wiggling even more which could have broken the needle.

Y/n- pls no....why are doing this to hard)

Doctor - Ms. Pls don't move...(struggling with the injection)

I looked at Jungkook and I wasn't pleased with his reaction, he was probably getting angry but was not in a mood to scold y/n. When doctor was about the remove the empty injection. He stopped him, doctor looked at him in confusion.

Jungkook - don't doctor. Let it be-

Y/n- oppa pls- it hurts...(crying)

Jungkook - Ik but he told you twice not to wiggle. (A bit strict)

Doctor - but Mr.Jeon-

Jungkook - doctor please. Inject the last one. I'll tell u when to remove the injection.

Doctor followed what Jungkook said and injected the last dose of injection too which sure hurted more due to one injection which was already placed in y/n's bum.

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