Chapter 2- Who are you?

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The morning was quiet as I sat in the modiste. There was buzz about King Hamish's arrival. Some said it was a great alliance, others said it was a death sentence for me, the princess. I did not know what to think. I had never seen the man and I could not face my parents with doubts. 

I twirled a piece of fabric in my hand and listened to the sound of children's laughter below. I wondered if I would ever have children. If I ever wanted children with the man they call a monster. Or what if I could not have children and he beheads me. I shuddered. Fate is fate.

"Alice, dear." Said Mrs. Weatherington. I turned to face her. 

"Dearest could you help Lady Mary in her fittings. She is standing in the front." I nodded and went from the backroom to the front. Lady Mary stood there in front of the mirror adjusting her hat. 

"Good morning madam, are you ready for your fitting?" I said hands crossed in front of me. She nodded and stood on the podium as we made small talk. 

"I never like the way any dress fits on me." She said. 

"Now that can not be true." I replied. 

"My hips are too wide and mother says my cage is too wide as well." 

I frowned. "I think you are beautiful the way you are miss." 

She looked at me and scoffed. "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." She said laughing. "I feel like I recognize you somewhere?" I chuckled as I denied her suspicion. 

After measuring her I went to the back and picked out one of the dresses I had sewn the week before. It was purple and lines with intricate lace and detailing. Coming back to the front with it she gasped. "Who made this?" She said exclaiming. "I did madam." I said.

 "This is a work of art, I will definitely be telling my ladies about this place." She said. "I will take it now." She said. When she asked for the price I told her to not give me anything to which she was shocked to. "Nothing for this beautiful design?" She said. 

"Please, it is from me to you. May it make you feel beautiful the way you are." I said.  She frowned and took out some money and put it on the counter. "You worked too hard." She said.

I reluctantly accepted her money as she made her way downstairs with her lady in waiting. Mrs. Weatherington came out shaking her head. "Before you go to Scotland dearest, you will have to make me batches of your gowns." She said. I grabbed her arm and smiled.

 "Of course." I replied.

"Oh, dearest, that reminds me. The flowers by the front of the shop's windows are withering, you wouldn't mind getting fresh lilacs and lavender by the rivers bay would you?" 

She asked. "Of course not Mrs. Weatherington. I shall be back shortly." I replied. 

Before leaving I put my hair up and put a cloak over my head and shoulders. It fell all the way down to the floor rather big. I grabbed the basket that hung by the door and went down the steps to the back of the shop. The weather was calm and quiet, a perfect afternoon. The palace was not expecting me until dusk, they believed I was at the Queen mother's chateau. 

Walking through the forest I felt peace. The encasement of the trees secluded me and I felt like I was the only walking thing in there. Life would not be peaceful after this moment I presumed, it would only somehow get worse. I prayed I was wrong. 

After walking for five minutes I made it to the river bank and knelt down picking the flowers gently and carefully, thanking the earth for the treasures it has bestowed me. Then a twig snapped behind me. I froze and pulled my hood closer to my face. It must have been an animal. I heard another one snap but closer to me. My breathing got more shallow as I slowly rose up and turned around. 

"Who is there?" I said. There was silence. 

"I order you to come out." I said loudly. 

I heard more twigs snapping behind the tree in front of me. Slowly I bent down to my shoe and pulled out my dagger. I rose it up and waited for whoever it was to come out. 

That is when a tall figure emerged from the tree line. I flinched and held the dagger up. He held his hands up and walked closer to me.

 I slowly put the dagger down and squinted to get a closer look at him. I had never seen him before

He was young, tall and dark. Dark eyes, tan skin, and dark hair. He was dressed in the most exquisite suit I had seen in a long time.

 He came closer to me and then stopped. I felt my lips part as I couldn't stop staring into his eyes.

 Who was he? 

Amidst the thumping of my heart and the butterflies in my stomach I felt a warm sensation. Like I had known him, like I was meant to meet him. He had a soft smile and kind gentle eyes. He was the most handsome man I have laid eyes on, something you see out of a fairytale book. His eyes grazed my figure as he was trying to make out who I was under the large cloak. I looked up and made eye contact. I could not break away, something about his eyes were inviting as we stood there in silence.

"You may put the dagger down now." He said. 

 I looked down at my hand still holding the dagger and back up at him. "I mean you no harm, truly." He said smirking.

 I put the dagger back in my boot and turned back towards the river to grab my basket. I bent down to pick it up and started walking along the river. 

"Who are you?" He said from behind me. 

I froze. "Why does it matter to you?" I responded. 

I turned back around to face him. He chuckled. 

"My apologize I did not know it was against the law in Prussia to ask someone for their name." He said. 

I tried to hide my smile. 

"Alice." I responded. "Alice." He restated. 

"And what is yours?" I asked. 

"Antonio." He replied. 

"Antonio of what?" I said. 

He scoffed and kicked his boot. "Must we go into formalities?" He said. 

"Yes we must." I replied. 

"I will tell you who I am when you take down your hood." He said.

 "Absolutely not. I refuse." I replied. 

"Then you shall not know who I am." He said back quickly. I rolled my eyes. 

"Why are you out here alone?" He asked.

 "What does it matter? I am perfectly safe." I responded. 

"No one is every perfectly safe madam. Safety is a figure of our imagination." He said. 

"So you're saying you always live in fear?" I asked. 

He laughed. "Living in fear, more like living and waiting for something excited to happen." He said. 

"What is so exciting about Prussia?" I asked. 

He sighed. "Well if you must know, I am traveling. Perfect time in the season to do so." He said. I walked a little closer to him. 

"Where have you traveled so far?" I asked. 

"West Asia, France, England, Turkey." He said. 

"What a dream you must be living sir." I said.

 He smiled. "What can I say, I live waiting for exciting things to happen." He said. A smile creeped on my lips. 

"I should be heading back now." I said. 

He nodded his head. "May you stay safe on your travels." I said. 

"Thank you, Alice." He said. I nodded. 

"Good bye Antonio." I said as I walked back into the forest.

My heart was racing. What was this feeling? Who is he? Will I ever see him again? Did I want to see him again? 

Yours truly, AntoWhere stories live. Discover now