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    "¿qué pasa mamita? ;;)" que..what? Honestly, it's embarrassing that you had to google translate that.. but you didn't have the attention span to learn another language. "What's up mommy" appeared as you entered his words into the online translator. You laughed in response, deciding to play along.

    If this were any other guy, he would be blocked in an instant.. but something was different about Eric.. you played it off as just his 'playful nature.'

    "hola papi" you began to write, but quickly deleted. Calling someone daddy is a lot different than being called mommy. You decided to play it safe and replied "nada ::) ¿tu?" knowing damn well if you continued this joke, you'd have to google translate everything he said.

    "¡yo también! you speak spanish?" he said. "eeerrrr no i was translating everything" you replied, hoping that he found it funny and not offensive. Little did you know it did earn a laugh from him, and a smile too. Actually everything about you made him smile..

    A few moments passed and you were starting to think you said something wrong. Did I do something? Did I say something? Maybe something just came up..

    "What are you doing tomorrow?"

    The message was a big relief, but also made you nervous. He wanted to hang out?

    "nothing, why? ::)" you replied nervously. A few more moments passed as the typing bubble disappeared and reappeared repeatedly a few times. He asked you to hang out after he finished his last concert in AZ, and of course you said yes. Well, you said "sure" to try and sound cool but it was obvious that you didn't even consider saying no.

    You both talked a few more and decided to FaceTime.

    You frantically tried to tidy up your hair and checked your camera to make sure your skin was clear. You took a few deep breaths..and called him.

    He answered momentarily and greeted you. "Hey!" He said with a small smile, his cheeks had been tinted pink since he answered and even though only one word was said, you could tell he was nervous too, and that was comforting.

    As soon as you began to speak, your fear washed away, and the conversation flowed nicely. You almost bounced off of each other, every sentence earning a smile or laugh from the other. You spoke for a while and he spoke more about his tour and his friend Ash. He also mentioned how excited he is to get out of the tour bus. He said that since him and Ash no longer have a hotel, due to "unexpected circumstances" he said, they figured it'd be easier to stay in the bus, but it was so cramped and uncomfortable.

    He whined a bit more and before you even thought about asking why they had no place to stay until they left Arizona, you accidentally blurted out--

    "I have a guest room."

𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 - Ericdoa ⭑Where stories live. Discover now