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    The evening of Eric flying back home, Lei and him went on their first date, but they never called it that out loud. Eric took her to the movies. Well, more like Lei took him to the movies since she had to drive, because he didn't know where anything was in Arizona, but Eric paid for her tickets and her snacks, like a true gentleman. 

    They decided to watch a scary movie, the trailer looked really gory and neither of them were sensitive to that kind of stuff so they decided it might be fun. "Let's sit all the way at the top!" She said excitedly as she held his sleeve leading him up the stairs. 

   The theatre was fairly empty, there was only enough people to fill up about two rows. "Why?" He asked. He figured it didn't matter so he'd just agree but he was still curious. "I don't know." She said with a shrug as she sat down and watched him awkwardly shuffle past her to get to the last seat of the row. "I just always sit up here, it makes me feel tall and I don't like people behind me." He nodded, valid answer. 

    He sat down next to her and they whispered as they waited for the ads to finish. "I haven't been to the movies since I was a little kid with my parents or my elementary school friends." He said, as excited as a little kid in a candy store. "I used to go all the time in high school with my friends." 

    She thought about the memories she made in this very same building, and maybe even in the same seat. Memories of many of her terrible first dates flashed in her mind and she quickly suppressed them and snapped out of it. She had no doubt in her mind that she would have fun today, because even though they'd basically just met, Eric and Lei were comfortable around each other, and the amount of fun they had around each other, as well as the way their personalities coincided, made them practically inseparable. Too bad that they'd be thirty-seven hours away soon...

    Eric began to speak but the movie started to play, showing the studio and a few credits over the opening scene, Eric looked so excited. Lei leaned over closely and whispered to him. Her breath gave Eric goosebumps and he felt his stomach flip. "Do you like horror movies?" She asked and sat back. He turned to her and nodded eagerly. He quickly composed himself and started to open some of the candy he got, happily sharing with Lei even though he paid for her own.

    The two shared a large popcorn bucket. Lei told Eric that she wouldn't eat much, to which he simply replied with "I will." earning a laugh from her, and he wasn't lying either. Before the first person in the movie had been un-alived, half of the popcorn had been eaten, and Lei had only had two handfuls. When he finally put the popcorn bucket down, Lei were so grateful she thought to grab napkins. He thanked her and wiped his hands off, putting the dirty napkins in the cup holder for her to remind him to throw away later. 

    Lei rested her arm on the arm rest and leaned on it, making her closer to Eric as she kept her eyes on the screen. Their shoulders were almost touching and he tensed up in response. She was completely unaware of how nervous she was making him, and he was struggling to focus on the movie.

    He glanced at her and admired her soft looking hair, she wore it down that day because she was lazy, but he loved it. He looked back at the movie screen and smoothly took her hand in his, resting them intertwined on the arm rest between them. She sat up and glanced at him but he kept his composure, barely, as he looked back at her briefly and smiled to himself.

    She looked down at their hands and pulled away, and he looked at her, confused and slightly embarrassed. He watched as she proceeded to move the arm rest out of the way and shuffle closer to him, taking his hand in hers and leaning her head on his shoulder. 

    She smiled at her own charisma and continued watching the movie before she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked up at Eric and he looked confused. "I have no idea what's going on..." He said dazed, referring to the movie. She laughed and looked at him "You really haven't been paying attention this whole time?" He stared at her, smiling stupidly, and shook his head. She giggled and gave him an inaccurate rundown on what happened in the movie. She would've been able to tell him what actually happened, if she wasn't so distracted by him the whole time, but she would never let him know that.

𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 - Ericdoa ⭑Where stories live. Discover now