she gets jealous because you're paying attention to someone else (requested)

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Taylor clenched her jaw before taking another sip of her drink as she kept her eyes on you.

Tonight, you and Taylor met up with a few friends for some drinks.

She had been looking forward to it for the last couple of days, since your friends first suggested the idea.

But she's not having as much fun as she thought she would.

One of the new girls that started at your job asked to hang out with you today before you headed home and upon telling her that you already had plans, she looked pretty down.

being the kindhearted person that you are, you just asked if she wanted to tag along and she happily agreed.

Taylor didn't mind at first and your friends were okay with it as well.

But this new girl was a little late and when she finally joined you all about fifteen minutes ago, she seemed to be glued to you.

She even pulled you away from the table with Taylor and your friends to sit at another one.

Taylor tried to herself that it wasn't anything huge.

Perhaps this girl was very introverted and didn't feel comfortable around many people and since she knew you, she just wanted to stick to your side.

But she can't help but feel jealous now because it seems that you completely forgot about her.

She enjoys hanging out with your friends because they quickly became friends of hers as well as soon as you introduced her to them that very first time a year or so ago.

But she was looking forward to being with you tonight more than anything.

People are dancing and having fun and she figured she might be able to get you on the dance floor tonight and keep you close to her as you move along to some music.

She wanted to talk to you about the busy week you've both had and just catch up with you while she holds you close, steals some kisses from your lips, and just enjoy some time with you and your friends.

But now, it feels as though she doesn't even exist as you pay more attention to that new coworker and friend of yours.

"Taylor, relax." One of your friends spoke as she put her hand on Taylor's shoulder.

Taylor just sighed and set her almost empty glass down on the table.

"I guess I'm not invisible after all."

Your friends laughed and shook their heads.

"I know we're all hanging out together but I thought I'd at least have some quality time with my girl. But I feel like I don't even exist right now. She's too busy with that other girl."

"She has been here for twenty minutes and has had all of her attention since then, so I see why you feel that way. Maybe you should just talk to Y/N, and tell her that you're feeling a little left out and that you just want a little time with her. It's been a busy week for you both, it's not like you've had much time together. You know she'll understand how you feel. I bet she feels the same way." One of your other friends spoke.

Taylor nodded before finishing her drink and getting up.

She walked over to you and gently placed her hand on your shoulder.

"Hey, baby girl." She whispered in your ear before softly kissing your neck.

"Hi, baby!" You happily replied before turning your head to kiss her lips. "What's up?"

"Are you busy? Can I steal you away for a few minutes?" She asked as she brushed her fingers along your arm. "I miss you."

You leaned in and kissed her cheek softly, causing a big smile to pull at her lips.

"In a few. I'm in the middle of something. But I won't be long, I promise."

Taylor felt the jealousy rush over her once more as this new friend of yours smiled as soon as you looked at her again.

"Where were we?"

She huffed before walking away from you.

She ordered another drink before sitting back down with your friends.

"Why is she talking to her so much? Why won't that girl just come over here?"

"Maybe she's shy." One of your friends said, trying to reason with her. "Taylor, you know Y/N. She adores you. You don't need to be jealous, she's not going anywhere."

"Yeah," Taylor grumbled before taking a few more sips of her drink.

"Well, I should go." She heard your new friend say. "You'll come over tomorrow, right?:

"Absolutely." You assured.

"I'll be waiting!"

You waved goodbye to her as she left before returning to the table.

You sat down beside Taylor and leaned over to kiss her cheek but she just pulled away from you.

"Tay? What's the matter?"

"Hey, let's go dance and let them talk for a few." Another one of your friends suggested before they all got up, leaving you and Taylor alone.

"Baby, what's the matter?"

"Oh, she leaves and now you want to spend time with me? Now you pay attention to me?" She asked with a pout on her lips.

"What are you talking about?" You chuckled.

You sat in silence for a minute and put everything together until it clicked.

"Baby, are you jealous?"

"No." Taylor scoffed.

"Very convincing, cutie." You teased and watched her roll her eyes at you. "Tay, my love, don't be jealous, and don't get mad at me. Talk to me. I won't judge."

"You spent so much time with her. She even pulled you away from the table and took you somewhere else to talk with you there. You spent more time with her in the short time she was here than I have the last few days since I've been getting home so late. I went over there to see if I could get you alone for a few minutes because I miss you but you just brushed me off."

"I'm so sorry." You said as you took her soft hand into yours. "I don't want to say too much because it's not my place to do so but she's in a tough spot and was talking to me about some problems she's been having. Plus this is her first job and she's intimidated by other people who work there so she was asking me for advice. She needed someone to confide in."

"Oh," Taylor replied quietly.

"But I completely understand how you feel. I mean, if the shoe was on the other foot, I would've felt very jealous myself because I miss you too." You said as you brought her hand to your lips for a kiss.

"I'm sorry I got so jealous. I just like being with you and, sometimes, when I miss you so much, seeing you spend more time and talk to other people more makes me jealous."

"That's okay, I understand." You assured. "But you have no reason to be jealous. I'm in love with you and I'm not going anywhere."

She smiled brightly as you leaned in and kissed her lips lovingly.

"She knows you're taken, right? That you're mine, all mine?" She asked as she gently cupped your cheeks in her hands.

"With that sweet neck kiss and you touching me the way you did when you came over there, oh yeah." You joked, causing Taylor to laugh. "I also told her about you and us before she came here today. Don't worry, I always set boundaries and let everyone know I'm taken. Because I'm yours. All yours."

She pulled you closer before kissing you again, this time a little more passionately and feverishly.

"Good. Because I'm in love with you and I'm never letting you go." She grinned. "You're my girl."

"Forever and always." You smirked before your lips met hers once more.

And she hummed against your lips, grateful that she finally had you in her arms again.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Six (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now