she teaches you how to flirt (requested)

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"Hey, Taylor!" You excitedly said as you opened the front door to see your best friend standing there.

"Hi," She happily said as you let her into your place.

Once the door was closed, she gave you a quick hug and you swear your heart almost burst over the feeling of her hand brushing so gently across your back.

"So? What did you want to do today?" She asked before plopping onto the sofa.

You and Taylor have been close friends for a while now, though you've always felt something so much stronger for her.

It wasn't until recently that you confessed this to a mutual friend of yours' and Taylor's, who told you that Taylor feels the same way about you.

Just like you are for her, Taylor was head over heels in love with you but she hasn't confessed to you out of fear that she might lose you as she's unaware that you feel the same.

Today, you're hoping to change that.

"I figured we could order some food and watch a movie." You said as you sat down beside her.

"Sounds great." She smiled.

And you were mesmerized by her breathtaking grin, admiring how her beautiful blue eyes sparkled as she smiled.



You took a breath before deciding to make a move and flirt a little with her.

"Do you have a bandaid?"

"No, why? Are you hurt?" She asked worriedly.

"No... I just need one because I scraped my knee falling for you."

She stared at you wordlessly for a second as she put the pieces together and burst into giggles.

"Are you trying to flirt with me?"

"Yeah." You confessed, cheeks heating up in embarrassment. "It's not working, is it? I'm so bad at this."

"Well, the pickup line was bad. But you're cute so I guess if anyone can make it work, it's you."

Your heart began to race as she put her hand over yours before intertwining your fingers together.

"Do you want me to teach you how to flirt, baby?"

You nodded.

"It's a lot more than just pickup lines, though if you have the right one it can help." She chuckled. "A lot of people overthink flirting when it's not that hard. I'll teach you."

Your breath hitched as she leaned in closer.

Her blue eyes were locked with yours and you just couldn't look away.

She sent you a sweet smile before she reached over and tucked a lock of hair behind your ear.

"Now, if we didn't know each other, I'd say to you - hi, I'm Taylor. What's your name? Now pretend we're strangers and tell me."

"I'm Y/N,"

"Y/N," She repeated. "That's a beautiful name. I love it."

You giggled shyly and looked away, only for her to hook her fingers under your chin and make you look back up at her.

"You're very cute." She whispered and gazed into your eyes, almost getting lost in them.

But she remembered what was going on and she cleared her throat a second later to focus again.

"Now, you can add a little mystery if you'd like to play hard to get. I just know that whoever you have your eyes on will keep trying to get to know you more. Let them chase after you a little if you're into that."

"Okay." You replied.

"Then get into conversation. It could be something as simple as what they're drinking, the weather, or finding a common interest. It doesn't matter too much what you talk about as long as you're talking."

You nodded, ready to continue to the next part.

"Touching is also good but you don't want to go overboard if it's someone you're just getting to know. Teasingly brush your fingers along theirs," She paused before brushing hers across yours, making your chest fill with butterflies. "Or just do whatever makes you comfortable. Just not much right away. Compliments are huge too."

"Can I try?"

She nodded, smiling slightly.

"You have the prettiest eyes I've ever seen."

"That's good." She encouraged.

"No, I mean it. You, Tay, have the prettiest eyes I've ever seen."

She didn't say anything right away.

She just gazed at you adoringly as your words sank in.

"And the prettiest smile."

"I thought I was teaching you how to flirt because you wanted to meet someone but now I'm convinced you wanted to learn so you could flirt with me." She quietly said. "Am I right about that?"

"Yeah. One of our friends said that you're in love with me." You confessed. "And I'm hoping it's true because I'm in love with you."

"It is." She spoke. "I am in love with you."

You sent her a smile that melted her heart completely.

"There's one thing I forgot to teach you when it comes to flirting."

"What's that?" You wondered.

"This." She quietly said before gently cupping your cheek and pulling you in for a kiss.

You melted instantly over how sweet they tasted and how soft they were.

You've dreamt of this moment for so long but kissing Taylor was better than anything you could've ever imagined.

It was heavenly and you couldn't get enough.

"Tay," You sighed against her lips and she moaned into the kiss before she gently pushed you onto your back and laid over you.

"So pretty." She whispered against your lips before tugging at your lower one with your teeth.

And the sound that fell from your lips in response drove her wild.

"That's my girl." She whispered as she trailed kisses along your neck. "You're so pretty. I could kiss you forever."

"Please do." You begged.

"Whatever you want, baby girl. You're mine now, right?"

"I've always been yours." You promised. "I love you."

"I love you too." She whispered before kissing you again. "And those things I taught you about flirting, baby, better only be for me."

You giggled against her lips and pulled her closer before you both began to touch and caress each other, so caught up in one another.

"Only you, Tay. You're the only one. I promise."

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Six (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now