she snaps at you because she's sick and embarrassed (requested)

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You let out a sad sigh upon feeling Taylor's forehead and feeling how warm she still was.

Her eyes were so heavy from the exhaustion that she was feeling but she couldn't seem to get to sleep because she felt so terrible.

It's been a long night and you can see that the sun is starting to come up since you see the golden rays beginning to peek through the curtains.

You've been up all night caring for Taylor.

She's come down with some sort of stomach bug and, honestly, you haven't ever seen her this sick.

There were moments last night where you almost considered trying to coax her into going to the emergency room because she was vomiting so much and running a pretty high fever.

She's still dealing with both of those things but there seems to be a glimmer of hope right now as her stomach seems to be settled a tiny bit for now and, even though she's still feverish, her fever was not as bad as it was a couple of hours ago.

"I'm going to go and make you some soup. Okay, my love? Let me know if you need me. I'll be back in a heartbeat." You assured before kissing her forehead softly.

She watched you leave the room through her tired eyes before she closed them, trying to wish away the nausea that was starting to creep up on her again.

She'd gotten her hopes up for a moment there when her stomach seemed to calm down, making her wonder if it was all over with, at last.

But now, it's coming back and she's so tired of it.

Knowing that she was going to throw up once more, she sat up and tried to get out of bed.

But her foot got caught up in the blanket that you placed over her when she had the shivers and she couldn't get it out from under the fluffy comforter in time before she was sick.

You weren't even all the way down the stairs before you heard the sound of her vomiting again and you rushed back to her to find that she'd made a mess of herself.

She couldn't get out of bed in time nor could she reach for the trash can in time since you had accidentally put it by your side of the bed after cleaning it out a while ago.

This caused her to throw up on herself, mostly.

"Shit," She groaned before wrinkling her nose in disgust.

"Oh, baby. Are you okay?" You worriedly asked as you went to put your hand on her back.

"Don't!" She snapped. "Don't touch me."

You were hurt by her harsh words but you didn't let it get to you because you knew she was just sick and felt gross.

"I'll get you some clean clothes and I'll help you clean up too."

"I don't need you to do that! I'm not ten, Y/N. I can care for myself!"

"Okay." You said quietly. "I'm just trying to help."

"I don't need your help!" She yelled. "Just leave me alone!"

You hung your head before nodding it wordlessly.

The guilt set in almost instantly upon seeing you upset and letting the words that had left her lips sink in.

"I'm sorry." She sniffled. "I'm sorry, darling. I didn't mean to snap at you."

"It's okay." You quickly assured.

"It's not. You've been up all night caring for me and being here for me when I needed you most and here I am snapping at you. That's so uncool of me to do and I'm so sorry."

"No, Tay, it's alright. You don't feel good. I understand." You assured before grabbing her a clean shirt and handing it over to her.

"Thank you." She said before she groaned and changed out of her dirty shirt and shorts and into the clean shirt you handed to her. "I'm just so frustrated and so embarrassed. I vomited all over myself and it isn't the first time tonight, either."

You put her dirty clothes in the laundry basket before washing your hands and going back over to her.

"Taylor, it's okay that you feel that way. I've been so sick before that I've done the same thing. It happens. You're human." You comforted her as you rubbed her back. "I know you're tired of being sick and you're feeling frustrated but please don't be embarrassed. You're my girl and I care about you. I'm not ever going to judge you. I just want to take care of you and help you feel better."

"I don't deserve you." She mumbled.

"That's untrue. You do. You deserve the world." You said with a small smile. "I love you. I'm not going anywhere."

"You're not grossed out that I puked all over myself for the third time since I began getting sick?"

"I hate vomit." You said, making her chuckle. "It's gross but you aren't. I'm not going to judge you for throwing up. You're sick, baby. That's okay. Gross things happen to everyone from time to time. I've vomited on myself before. It happens. Don't be embarrassed, okay?"

"Okay." She said with a little smile. "You're amazing. I love you and I can't wait until I feel better so I can kiss you."

"Me too, baby. I love you very much." You spoke before kissing her forehead softly.

She closed her eyes as she basked in the comfort your soft lips on her skin brought.

"Can I get you anything?"

"Honestly, I'm exhausted. I think I actually feel okay enough to get a little rest. So can we just lay here? I'll eat later. But I want to rest for a while."

"Okay." You agreed before lying down beside her.

You scooted close to her and brushed your fingers along her skin as she drifted off to sleep, finally resting like she needs and deserves.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Six (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now