pranking her by not talking to her (requested)

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"It's so good to be home," Taylor said with a contented sigh as she plopped down on the bed beside you.

She's been in the studio all day and though her eyes felt heavy as she looked at you, she didn't let them close.

Because all she wanted now that she was back with you was to spend the night with you wrapped in her warm arms and steal some kisses from your soft lips.

She thought you'd feel the same and that, by now, you would've set your phone down.

But you didn't say a word to her and you didn't look away from your phone, not even for a second.

"Baby? Is everything okay?" She frowned as she gently brushed her fingers along your arm.

She figured that would get your attention for sure because you always melt over her touch.

But you just kept scrolling through social media.

"Did I do something wrong? Something that upset you?" She asked with a worried expression.

But you didn't see it nor did you reply because you still didn't turn to look at her.

"You're mad at me?"

You sighed before looking away from your phone.

Taylor's heart started to leap as she thought that you might finally look at her and tell her about whatever was on your mind.

But you only looked away from your phone to gaze at the TV instead.

You flipped through the channels in search of something to find while Taylor's mind wandered.

Why weren't you speaking to her?

Had she done something?

Did she forget something important?

Were you just not feeling well and didn't feel up to talking?

She wasn't sure, she just couldn't figure it out.

But her heart was aching the longer she went without hearing your soft pretty voice.

"Darling, please talk to me. I had a long day. I want to hear your voice." She pouted as she began to leave kisses from your shoulder blade down your arm and to your hand, which she gently grabbed and brought to her lips.

But all she got in response was silence.

It was starting to become unsettling and she didn't know what to think.

So she sighed in sadness before she looked back at you.

"Okay. Whatever it is, I can't take this anymore. I'm just going to go downstairs. You can talk to me whenever you feel like it. I love you and I'm sorry if I did something to hurt your feelings or if I forgot something important."

Her voice was full of sadness, just as her blue eyes were.

But when you grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes, you watched them sparkle with hope.

"Don't go." You said.

"Okay." She smiled. "I won't, baby."

"I'm sorry." You sighed. "I was just messing with you. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

"You were messing with me? Is this another one of your stupid pranks?" She groaned.

"Yeah." You said as you bit the inside of your cheek. "Itwas stupid, wasn't it?"

"Incredibly stupid." She replied, making you smile.

"No argument there. I'm sorry for hurting your feelings and for making you worry. You did nothing wrong, baby, and I'm not mad at you. But I understand if you're mad at me."

She sighed as she caressed your cheek.

"I am a little upset. Because I hate these pranks of yours." She said before smiling slightly. "But I love you and I'm just happy to hear your voice. You can make it up to me if you want to."

"How so? I'll do whatever." You quickly said.

"Give me some cuddles and kisses." She pouted as she pulled you onto her lap.

You giggled and began to kiss across her soft skin as her warm arms wrapped around you to keep you close to her.

"Just wait until I get you back for this though."

You pulled away and looked at her with big eyes.

"What? I can't let you get away with these stupid pranks of yours. I have to get you back somehow. It's only fair that you get a little tatse of your own medicine sometimes." She smirked before kissing you.

"I guess I deserve it."

"You do." She mumbled against your lips. "But it's okay, I still love you."

"I love you too." You smiled and deepened the kiss slightly, making her heart skip a beat as she pulled you a little closer.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Six (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now