wip lore

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- the hikari and yami race were at peace with each other, but the light and darkness didnt like that, and fucked them up during an annual festival that celebrated the peace that the two races made
  - the annual festival was held in a small island, where it was all magical and lived the four guardians (aka pre REVER1E)

- this also resulted the curse that was put into the hikari race, aka, if they fell inlove with someone from a child of darkness, they'd die
- as a result, old solelune was separated into two continents, lustré and ombre. over the decades, the hikari and yami race then turned against each other.
- after the light and darkness had made the races turn against each other, the island was also sealed
- however, mitsu had fallen in love with keir, and decided to run away with him, with keir sneaking mitsu in ombre as they slowly overthrew the century long conflict between the light and darkness.

- eventually, they overthrew the rule and the two races made peace with each other once more
- due to mitsu and keirs good deed, they inherited the powers of light and darkness, eventually becoming the goddess of light and the god of darkness, respectively.
- this included the curse of the hikari race, but however, mitsu was cursed that she would die a few years after giving birth to a heir. the curse would also transfer to the heir as soon as mitsu would pass away.

Crumbs since i died for 4 weeks

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