love story

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After dragging Ballister back to the hideout (and accidentally hitting his head off the ground a few times) they put him on the sofa and pulled the blanket over him.

"So, with mister grumpy-pants out cold, What should we do?" Nimona asked.

Gwyn looked around. Though the hideout was still needed some work.

"Well....the hideout does need some sprucing up. So maybe you could help me with that?" She suggested.

"Huh, not afraid to get messy. I thought you were going to be the "prim and proper" type of girl" Nimona said, stretching out a little.

"Nah! I am the farthest thing from that. Besides, I'm not like anyone else" Gwyn told her as she started sweeping the glass and debris off the floor.

Nimona was going ask what she meant by that when she remembered something else.

"How come you didn't freak out when I shapeshifted? People usually do" she asked, remembering that she didn't freak like Ballister did.

Gwyn sighed.

"I'm not the one to label someone just because they're different. I base their label by their actions and how they treat others. Except for Todd....he's a C U Next Tuesday" she explained with a smirk.

Nimona hummed at her answer.

"And what's your label for me?" She asked, her tone serous.

"Hmm. It's kinda hard to say just one. You're a friend. And ally. An adorable little psycho. And lastly, someone who  just wants to be understood and accepted."

Nimona smiled. sincerely smiled. Gwyn was glad to see her happy.

"So, tell me, how did you and the goldenboy meet?" The pinkette asked before turning into a bear to help move the heavy things out of the way.

"Your asking me that now?"

"Why not? Since boss is out, what better time then now to have girl time?" She asked.

"Huh...I have to be honest, I'm wasn't exactly sure if you'd be into that kinda thing, being a shapeshifter and all" Gwyn said.

"Oh, I'm actually gender fluid but I do prefer to go by "she/her" she told the adult.

(I'm not sure if she's gender fluid or not, I'm just making a educated guess)

"Now, how you guys met, give me the juicy details!"

Gwyn rolled her eyes at the shapeshifter's personality.

"It was an accident, really..." she said before she started.


3 years earlier-

Inside the local coffee shop, Gwyn was standing in line to get herself a cup. There's nothing better than to start a day off with a nice cup of coffee and a book. It was something that she looked forward to doing but have very little time to do it. The only other "relaxing" activity she had was working at the small flower shop run by this sweet elderly woman: Maddison wigglesworth.

"Hi! I'd take a carmel chocolate swirl latte with extra milk, please."

The machine hummed softly, customers walking in and out, once in awhile a soft giggle erupts from a group of girls huddled together at a corner. Now this is a life that she could get use to. That thought made her smile. After the barista passed her her coffee, she thanked him and made her way to a empty table by the window. She set her cup carefully on the table and took a seat, only to feel something prodding her behind. Surprised, she stood up to see a book on the chair.

"Huh?" She asked before she grabbed it and looked at the cover.

It was a little worn and outdated, but it struck her interest. The title was written in fine gold letters but considering how old it looked, they were faded which made it hard for her to read. She then took a sip of her coffee. She was about to start reading it when someone knocked on the table, making her look up. She nearly spilled her drink as their eyes met. Dang, he's so cute. Her face flushed as she lightly shook her head.

"Sorry to bother you, miss, but I think you have something of mine" he said, pointing at the book in her hands.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just sat down. Here you go" she told him, slightly embarrassed as she handed him his book.

He gladly took it back as he looked at the cover of her book.

"A tale of two kingdoms. I heard that's a good read" he told her.

She nodded.

"It is, actually" she replied.

He nodded and started to walk away.

"Hey, if you like, you can sit with me" she offered.

He stopped to look at her and smiled before he sat down across from her.

"Ambroseus Goldenloin" he introduced.

"Gwyneth Viglianco. But everyone calls me Gwyn" she told him before she shook his hand.

But as soon as he took her hand, he lightly kissed her knuckles, making a soft blush cross her cheeks. They then spent the next 30 minutes talking away. They only stopped when Gwyn noticed what time it was.

"Oh, I better go."

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I work at Mrs. Wigglesworth's flower emporium that's about a block away" she explained.

He nodded before he stood up.

"Then may I accompany you?" He asked, holding out his arm.

Flustered from how he treated her like a gentleman, she nodded and hooked her arm with his. And with that, they left.


"And we've been together ever since" she concluded with a smile.

Nimona rolled her eyes as they finished cleaning up the place.

"Wow, that was very meet-cutie" she said sarcastically.

Gold & Silver (Ambrosius goldenloin x Gwyneth) Where stories live. Discover now