"Let's break stuff"

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As the sun began to rise, Ambroseus and the director sat in one of the flying cars. They pass a billboard of the young knights that said "a new era begins" being painted over. Ambroseus kept looking at the sight as it grew farther and farther away, sadness writhed on his face. And the director noticed.

"Is something on your mind, Ambroseus?" She asked.

He remains silent, only glancing at the floor for a minute. The woman offers a smile to the knight.

"You can talk to me."

Finally, he sighs and speaks up.

"My mind? I've lost my mind. I've lost everything. The woman I love, my best friend. Although he's got a new best friend. What's that about? What else is Gwyn hiding? Who is the real her? Who am I? A direct descendant of Gloreth? I never asked for that. Now everyone expects me to arrest Gwyneth and Ballister. If I don't, I'm a traitor to you, and if I do, I'm a traitor to her! Oh and on top of that, I chopped of Ballister's arm in front of my girlfriend. HIS ARM! WHO CHOPS OFF AN ARM?! BECAUSE I WAS TRAINED TO?! ARM CHOPPING IS NOT A LOVE LANGUA-"

His rant in his head stopped as he stared at the director coldly.

"I'm fine, Director" he told her, keeping his poker face before looking back out the window.

The woman narrowed her eyes at him before the car arrived at the institute. Guards stand by as it lands. The door opened and Ambroseus hopped out first and helped the director out.

"Ma'am" he said with a nod.

"Stay strong, Ambroseus. The blood of Gloreth runs through your veins" she told him before they looked at the door.

Standing in the doorway was a female figure wearing a blue cloak. The knights readied their weapons as she took it off, revealing Gwyn.

"Ambroseus" she said before she stalks closer to him.

The golden knight swiftly turned around and barked "Knights!" Only to see Nimona and Ballister putting the unconscious knights in a pile.

"They were like this when we got here" Nimona told him as they walk over to Gwyn, her eyes never leaving the director.

"You" the director groweled lowly.

"Me" Nimona replied with extra sass.

Once they stood next to the silverette, she came out with it.

"Ambroseus, the director killed the Queen" she told him.

"What?" He asked, his body relaxing as confusion engulfed him entirely.

The director scoffed and leaned close to Ambroseus.

"Another desperate lie."

Nimona snapped her teeth at her, saying "she's not a liar!"

She laughed at this.

"Says the miscreant, whispering in their ears" she said.

"Aw, Thank you" Nimona said, bashfully.

Gwyn, on the other hand, snarled at her.

"Don't talk about my niece like that!" She warned.

"Niece?" Ambroseus asked, now completely confused.

"Yeah, you tell her, cool auntie!" Nimona said happily before the girls shared a quick highfive.

Ballister then holds out his hand as to show that he wasn't a threat.

"We're innocent, and we have proof" he said before pulling out the phone that would clear their names.

The director starts to panic.

Gold & Silver (Ambrosius goldenloin x Gwyneth) Where stories live. Discover now