"It's time to rewrite this story"

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Meanwhile, Gwyn and Ballister was being beaten up by Todd.

"You brought a monster into our home. You two should've stayed where you belong" he told them before he pulled their faces closer to his.

"Now where is it?" He asked, holding his fist up, ready to punch one of them again.

Gwyn felt her bottom lip bleeding from a small tear that was caused by his armored hand. But she could hardly feel it. She glared at him before spitting on his face. He growled at her for this.

"Even if I did, I'll never tell you even when I'm on my deathbed!" She proclaimed angrily.

Todd wiped the bloody spit off his face and was about to punch her when the ground began to shake. After a moment it stopped and Todd dropped the duo.

"Did you feel that? It felt like this whole place kinda went like 'wubba, wubba, wubba, wubba" Todd asked before he opened the door and walked outside.

The other knights dragged Ballister and Gwyn outside as well. Once outside, Gwyn immediately felt like something was wrong. Then they saw something black and misty in the forest, heading towards the city.

"Nimona..." Gwyn whispered, her eyes widening with fear and concern.

"It's heading straight for the city. Alert the institute!" Todd ordered before looking at Ballister and Gwyn.

"And you. If that thing destroys the kingdom, it's on you guys" he told them before the knights dropped them and threw Ballister's and Gwyn's swords on the ground.

Afterwards, they left on their vehicles, heading towards the city. Gwyn quickly stood up and went to her friend. Ballister looked up before collapsing on the ground.


Meanwhile, with the director, she was walking down the corridors inside the institute with two knights beside her.

"Ma'am. Incoming report from sir Theodus" one of the knights told her as they got to her office.

"And? What is it?" She asked before the ground began to shake again, only this time it was stronger.

She looked at the model of the kingdom and saw the minicure statue of Gloreth fall down.

"Whoa" she breathed out before looking out the window.


On the streets nearby the forest, Knight prepared to fight as Ambroseus gave out orders.

"We need barricades on Avenue A through F. And can we ear the streets? These people are in danger."

Suddenly, they all heard a growl coming from the forest, causing them to freeze. Black mist slowly went through the fence. Ambroseus narrowed his eyes as he tried to see what exactly they were going up against. Then a pair of white eyes opened, followed by five smaller ones on either side. The creature slowly rose up, revealing its menacing height before it looked at the statue in the middle of the kingdom. From her balcony, the director gasped at the sight.

"It's happening" she said before realizing that her hand was shaking.

She then clutched her hand and ordered "Sound the alarm! Sound the alarm! Hit it with everything we've got!"

An alarm starts blaring, causing the creature to roar and start walking through the kingdom.

"It's the monster!" Someone yelled.

Gold & Silver (Ambrosius goldenloin x Gwyneth) Where stories live. Discover now