Ballister's betrayal

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When Gwyn got back to the lair, she held Ballister's sword and the scroll in her hands. She sighed before she walked inside.

"Wow, you've only been gone for twenty minutes. What happened?" He asked.

Her throat tightened and her tongue dried up. She didn't want to answer. But she gave him his sword.

"He gave me this....and this" she held the scroll up.

His eyes widened as he looked at the picture.

"Is that...?" He asked.

"I don't know. But even if it is, she has done nothing to make us label her as evil" she told him.

Ballister harshly took the scroll and held it close to her face.

"Gwyn, it's right in front of you! She's Gloreth's monster, for Pete's sake!" He argued.

"Bal, come on. Sure something might have happened in the past but it could've been possible that some one could've rewrote what actually happened to make it sound more believable" Gwyn said before Nimona started to stir around.

The pinkette blinked a few times before she sat up and stretched out.

"Oh, I have not slept like that in forever" she said as she rubbed her eyes.

When she completely woke up, she saw the two adults glaring at each other. Then she saw her "aunt" wearing her cloak.

"Why do you have your cloak on?" She asked when Ballister slammed the scroll on the table.

"Is this you?" He asked as Gwyn took off her cloak.

"Bal, don't" Gwyn warned him.

Nimona looked at the scroll in front of her. Her face turned into one of shock and fear.

"Where did you get that?" She asked before looking at Gwyn, who had a shameful look on her face.

"Who have you been talking-"

"Tell me this isn't you" Ballister demanded, cutting her off.

"You think that I would do that? That that's who I am?" Nimona asked him, pointing at the scroll.

"Your the one who told us not to trust anybody, question everything" Ballister stated.

"That's right! Even now, with this, think about everything we've been through together!" She told him.

"I'm thinking about everything we've done. Broken out of jail, stolen cars, kidnapped people, manipulated people" Ballister told her angerly.

"That was to help us, Bal! We would still be stuck in that cell if she didn't get us out. Even if we somehow did get out, we would died on multiple occasions!" Gwyn pointed out, growing angry at her friend's accusations.

"Exactly! I was only helping!" Nimona agreed.

"You were using us! Don't you see, Gwyn? She wanted them to see villains, someone else to hate so she wouldn't be alone!"

"If that was the case, why would she help us get proof to prove our innocence?" Gwyn asked, making a valid point.

"Why are you protecting her?! She's not a sidekick or niece. She's a mon-"

"What? I'm a what?" Nimona asked, eyeing Ballister.

"You know what you are" he told her, not letting his guard down.

"No, I want to hear you say it" she demanded.

"Guys, stop-"

"Come on, say it. Say it!" Nimona demanded, growing bigger and throwing the sofa to the side.

Gwyn stepped back as her voice went deeper and her eyes started glowing menacingly.


Her eyes widened and she shank back to her normal size as both girls saw Ballister take out his sword.

"Bal..." Gwyn breathed out, looking at the weapon.

Ballister looked at her then at Nimona. Regret could be seen on his face.

"I...." he started to say.

Suddenly, they heard voices coming from outside the lair.

"Surround the place! You two with me!"

Suddenly, a light shone down on Nimona. Then Todd kicked in the door. Gwyn quickly turned to her niece and gently grabbed her shoulders.

"Nimona, run!" She told her.

She nodded before she transformed into pink smoke and quickly exited through a hole in the roof. Once gone, Gwyn glared at her friend.

"Ballister, what have you done?!" She asked him coldly before they looked at Todd in the doorway.

"Your door is broken" he smirked evily at the two.

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