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kaitlyn and walker couldn't keep themselves at any distance from each other the entire night and the entire next day, which they spent at home, so of course leena was the first to find out. she raised an eyebrow when she walked in to ask a question and they were sitting a little closer than usual, with his arm around her, and then she came back about ten minutes later to ask if he'd seen her bike helmet and they were fully making out.

"gah!" she jumped away from the door, her hands covering her eyes. "oh god. walker, why is there a girl in your room? where's kaitlyn?" walker snorted. leena peeked through her fingers and saw a sheepish kaitlyn wiping her lips on her hoodie sleeve - walker's hoodie sleeve. her eyes went wider than saucers. "you- you two? wha- when did this happen???" 

"last night." walker said. he smiled. he was happy just thinking about it. it was brand new, like five-hours-ago new, but it felt like they'd been together forever, just like they should've been. a night full of tearful confessions and a day full of hugs and kissing - a lot of kissing, he was happy to specify - had been just what he needed to heal whatever kaitlyn had broken when she walked out of the hospital.

"oh. OH MY GOD. this is- wow. okay. who else knows?"

"uh, nobody. and- i think we want to keep it that way for now, right?" she turned to him, looking straight into his blue eyes. she'd looked for his eyes in the blue of the sky and in the blue of the ocean, but that specific shade was hard to find. she'd missed them.

"yeah, i guess so."

"okay. i'll leave you two to... this." she waved her hands at them. "and this door is staying wiiiiide open." she left. walker rolled his eyes.

kaitlyn rolled back over so that she was fully facing him, so she could look straight into his eyes.

"i'm really, really happy." she said. 

"this is the best day of my life." he said, kissing her forehead gently. 

"how long-" she hesitated, playing with his hoodie strings. "how long have you liked me for?"

he thought for a second. "i don't know. i think i always have. i didn't really realize it until dior said something, but i feel like i really did since cookie making. i don't know if you remember, but i almost kissed you then. i really wanted to." 

"did you really?" she grinned. "i thought you were extra red that day. i thought maybe you had rosacea."

he shoved her shoulder lightly, laughing. "maybe i do. your turn."

"well, same. i think i always have, but i didn't realize it until i got to miami and i missed you so much and i really, really didn't like connor that way. you know my friend lily ended up liking him?"

"crazy. so i guess he won't be dating anyone now, huh?" he grinned at her. she laughed. "well, maybe lily, but definitely not me." 

then she looked up nervously. "is that what we are? dating? i mean, i know we've only been..." she gestured to the space between them. "whatever this is for about a night, but-"

"yes. dating. boyfriend. girlfriend. whatever you want. i'm yours. i'm all yours."

she felt her heart melt. "okay, boyfriend." she said. she lifted his hand to her mouth and kissed it like princes did in the movies. he laughed. "okay, girlfriend."

"so we're not telling anyone, huh?" he asked.

"i think it would be fun to wait for them to find out." her eyes twinkled mischievously. "but as for the public, i think we should definitely wait. i mean, your fans are crazy."

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