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kaitlyn awoke on christmas day to a vaguely melodic scream coming from down the hallway.


"ohh, no." she grumbled to herself, flopping back down and burying her face in her pillow as walker stirred next to her.

"DON'T WANT A LOT FOR CHRISTMAS." aryan and dior screeched, banging on doors as they made their ways down the hallway with mariah carey whistle note-ing through the speaker.

"every year." walker groaned next to her, rubbing his eyes.

"THEEEERE IS JUST ONE THING I NEED." dior belted, the door to kaitlyn and walker's room bursting open as she thrust one of those little karaoke microphones in kaitlyn's face.

"i don't care about the preseeents." kaitlyn obliged, barely carrying a tune with her croaky morning voice.

"underneath the christmas tree." walker said in a monotone before covering his face with the pillow.

"IIIII JUST WANT YOU FOR MY OWNNNN." leah appeared in the doorway, striking a pose in her grinch pajamas and grabbing the microphone as dior laughed. they left and rushed down the hallway, no doubt on the hunt for charlie as their next song victim. 

"more than youuu could ever know." kaitlyn whisper-sang, giggling as walker sat up groggily and planted a quick kiss on her cheek before getting up to go downstairs. kaitlyn threw on a christmas sweater and followed him down.

"presents time!" leah cheered, setting up the camera to livestream their haul and shuffling the christmas playlist

"how do you have so much energy." charlie grumbled, flopping down on the couch and leaning his head on the side of kaitlyn's arm.

user7 me EVERY MORNING in fact.
user2 charlie is me i am charlie
user33 i love kaitlyn's sweaterrrrr

"it's christmas. and it's literally not that early. it's only eight." leah stuck her tongue out at him before tossing him a stack of wrapped packages. "you first." charlie showed the camera a fancy watch from his parents, a vinyl from dior, a joint present of a new fitness tracker watch from walker leah and aryan, and a 'world's best grandpa' t-shirt from kaitlyn, which he laughed at. 

"i also contributed to the vinyl decision and purchase, so i didn't just get you a gag gift." kaitlyn explained. 

"gag gift? more like gag city! catch me wearing this every day." charlie yanked it on over his tank top as everyone laughed.

user22 he is so loved it's so cute
user1 charlie has L music taste im sorry...

"yeah, his music taste is kinda weird." dior agreed. charlie pushed her head to the side. 

"leah and dior are opening their gift over there, but they're going to do individual christmas hauls on their tiktoks, by the way, so go check those out later." kaitlyn flashed a thumbs up at the camera, covering up leah's shocked-happy face at the gift basket kaitlyn and dior had gotten her filled with her favorite things and a bunch of makeup she'd been wanting.

"aryan's turn!" walker hit him over the head with a giant goat plushie.

"for me??" aryan acted downright emotional over the gift.

user6 best gift actualy
user33 ok so that plushie must weigh absolutely nothing bc that hit looked HARD
user12 surprised it wasn't an adele vinyl!

"also for you." charlie rolled his eyes and tossed aryan a little mesh bag. 

aryan opened it and gasped. he held it up to the camera - a gold chain, one that was little but was real gold and had little emeralds on it for his favorite color. "actually for me?"

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