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"where's walker?" she said, panic creeping into her voice as a groggy, pajama-clad leena stood in the doorway, silhouetted by the light of the living room. kaitlyn had been banging on the door for ten minutes now, and she was exhausted. she hadn't slept a wink on the plane. her hair was frizzy and the bags under her eyes seemed bigger than her actual eyes, making her look slightly insane.

"oh, kaitlyn." leena said, rubbing her eyes. "he was on his way to see you, i thought."

"at my house?"

"yeah? why aren't you home? i thought you guys made up. he's been gone for hours."

"check his location." kaitlyn said, panicked. "i have his life360 but i haven't opened that app in ages-" leena pulled out her phone.

Walker Scobell last active in Salt Lake City International Airport 3 mins ago

"wait, what?" leena said. "why- kaitlyn, were you in utah?"

"yes, and i came back here for him!" kaitlyn shouted. she sat down on the porch steps, head in her hands. "this is so unfair. i have to get to the airport, leena, take me back to the airport! i need to get another plane ticket, oh shit-"

"calm down." leena put a hand on her shoulder. "just breathe. call him and you guys can sort this out."

"no, i can't call him."

"kaitlyn, he just went all the way across the country for you. you can give him a phone call."

her phone rang suddenly. she was disappointed to see that it was maddie, not walker. 

"hey, kk?"

"madds, now really isn't a good time-"

"i'm with walker." maddie interrupted. "um, where are you?" walker sat down in front of her, looking up at the phone intently as her nervously cracked his knuckles.

"walker's house." kaitlyn said, hearing the pops through the phone and feeling herself relax. he was safe, even though he was miles away from home. 

"okay, let me give him the phone so you guys can-"

"NO!" kaitlyn shouted. she heard walker shout the same thing on the other side of the line, and she smiled faintly. good. they were on the same page. only, what page was that? two exes who flew across the country to get each other back but refused to communicate after having not spoken in what felt like years?

"oh my god, you guys are exasperat-" walker huffed out a big breath and snatched the phone from maddie's hand.


"walker?" she was surprised to hear her voice wobble, surprised at the relief that surged through her upon hearing his voice say her name again.

"kaitlyn, stay right there, i'm coming home, okay? don't go anywhere. promise?"

"promise." she said, her eyes welling up. "walker, hurry, please."

"i just got a last minute ticket. my flight leaves in an hour. get some rest, i'll be there before you know it and we can talk." he hung up, leaving kaitlyn unsure of how to feel. 

"leena? does he still love me?" she blurted out. 

leena scoffed. "what a dumb question." she squeezed kaitlyn's shoulder and, still tired, stumbled back inside and collapsed on the couch.

"what does that mean?" she whispered to herself before sitting down on the porch steps and leaning against her suitcase. it was minutes before she was out cold.

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