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"thank you so much for meeting me." connor said. he approached the situation with a businesslike tone, but his eyes held the emotion he stopped his voice from showing. 

"yeah, no problem!" kaitlyn said, awkwardly trying to be cheerful as she sipped a strawberry-banana smoothie. she'd changed into a sweater and a skirt, not wanting to seem too casual or too dressy. connor was wearing a graphic t-shirt and jeans. 

"listen, con, i really just want to apologize again. like i said, it was never my intention to hurt you. i should never have gone on the trip if my mind was elsewhere." she'd practiced saying this in her room, to her mirror.

"it was messed up." connor agreed. "the whole situation was messed up. i mean, it wasn't all you. i- lily's always been in the back of my mind. i shouldn't have been trying to start something with someone else if part of me still wanted her."

"wanted? past tense? after i left, i really hoped you guys worked out. you deserve someone great. lily's amazing." this was going her way after all. she'd hoped she would be able to change the subject to him and lily to avoid the subject of her and him and walker.

"wanted." he said, though his eyes, again, told kaitlyn all she needed to know. he liked lily. and she was truly, completely happy for him.

"so what's the problem? maybe i can help. i do owe you." she said.

connor sighed. "it's just my sister abbie. she doesn't like the idea of her brother and her best friend. and, kaitlyn, to be so completely honest-" he looked at her in a way that made her heart speed up a little bit. something was coming.

"lily deserves better than someone who still thinks about someone else sometimes. someone else that he can't ever have." he looked at her earnestly. she was speechless. she'd assumed that connor had gotten over her after she so rudely left florida. 

"it's you, in case you didn't catch that." he tried for a joke.

"connor, i- wow. i don't know what to say." she scooted back in her chair a little bit.

"don't say anything." he said. "i know you and walker are solid. i just- i need to keep you in my life. even if it hurts. please don't stop talking to me again. don't leave." his brown puppy dog eyes were full of hope. "i need you as my friend."

he reached across the table and took her hand in his. she reluctantly kept her hand there as she tried to gather her words. i don't think that's a good idea? i think you should focus on lily? or maybe, get your hand away from my hand i love my boyfriend?

"kaitlyn?" she heard the door jingle, then a familiar voice. a voice full of hurt. her heart leapt, then sank. oh no. oh no no no.

she pulled her hand away and jumped out of the chair, grabbing her phone and leaving her smoothie behind as a distraught walker shook his head and walked out the door.

"walker, wait!" she didn't stop to say bye to connor. she ran outside and chased walker down the almost empty sidewalk. he held up his phone and shook it. 

"snap map. so, appointment, huh? appointment with the guy who took you to florida?"

kaitlyn took a deep breath, willing herself to stay calm. "yes, walker. appointment with connor. i really hurt him, it was just for closure-"

"that hand holding looked nothing like closure to me." his voice shook with anger.

"well, i wanted closure, apparently he-"

"i don't actually care, kaitlyn." he said. he turned to face her, and there was such anger in his eyes that she had to take a step back. "you lied. to me. and you've been weird all week. do you still like him?" he asked, his voice breaking at the last part.

"of course i don't like him! i don't like him at all! i never want to see him again!" she said, hearing a little gasp from behind her that she knew belonged to connor. great. she'd hurt both her boyfriend and the person she'd already hurt again. she turned around. "connor, i-"

"i don't believe you." walker interrupted.

"what?" she said, turning back around. there were tears in her eyes, and with a start, she noticed that there were tears in his. 

"i don't. believe you. you wouldn't have lied if you didn't like this guy at all." he pointed at connor.

"he's right." connor said. "kaitlyn, i'd be lying if i said i ever wanted closure. this guy - walker - shouldn't be treating you like this. you deserve more."

"connor, stop-" she started.

walker interrupted again, turning to face connor, his hands balled into fists, willing himself to stay calm enough not to use them. "oh, don't you start, asshole. she lied to me, but you lied to her. you're the reason she's-" he took a shallow breath. he knew the next words were wrong, but he was too upset to care. "-not my girlfriend anymore."

the words hit kaitlyn like a ton of bricks.

"what?" they both said.

"you heard me. you lied to me. you want him, go be with him, i don't care. we're done." kaitlyn was crying now, ugly crying with mascara sliding down her cheeks. "walker, no. don't do this."

"i'm sorry." he said, before turning and storming away. he whipped out his phone and fired off a quick text in a blind rage.

maybe: aleena dimitri

deadpool sounds great!

suddenly, all the fire went out of him, and regret set in. it wasn't the fact that kaitlyn wasn't his girlfriend anymore. it was the fact that he'd hurt her. that he'd made her cry. he made sure he was out of earshot before he started sobbing too. 

author speaks !
don't u worry guys i will fix this! eventually! 

pov me rn:

pov me rn:

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