[02] Familiar Details

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You patted your face, gripped the sleeve of your uniform, and examined your reflection closely. Same face, same eyes, same body, same hair; the only difference was the clothing. Yup, it was you, there was no doubt about it. That was one dilemma solved. The next and biggest one was figuring out what was going on.

At first glance, it looks like as if you had wound up in the game. But, for something that was found only in fiction to happen to you? Someone who was just living an ordinary life? You wanted to slap yourself for such a ridiculous conclusion. That's just not how reality worked, right?

However, for the sake of getting somewhere, let's just say that it was the case. The first thing you should do was identify just where in the prologue you were. Though it's been a while since you last experienced the prologue, you did your best to recall its details, and your eyes widened when you came across a realisation.

"Okay, let's set aside the existential crisis for now. If this is really the prologue, then I'm supposed to be in danger––"

Interrupting you was a digital beep coming from a device attached to your arm. Its weight was so light that you hardly noticed it. The design was basically a digital watch with a square screen. You knew exactly what it was and it felt like second nature to tap on the screen.

"Yo, support leader. How's it hanging there?"

This voice. You immediately recognised who it belonged to. Lost in your bewilderment, you didn't realise that you never responded to the question.

"No response? Figures. Didn't know apparitions can use devices like these. Possession is getting fancier, huh?"

That brought you back to reality. "W-wait, hold on," you stammered. "I'm not possessed."

"Right, right," the voice mused playfully, doubtful of your words. "Too bad I don't believe you––though, it sounded pretty convincing. I'll give you points for that. Alright, hang tight. I'll take care of you myself."


Your attempt at a protest was in vain since the call abruptly came to an end. You just had an interaction with one of the characters in the game. The fact that the possibility of you reincarnating into the game was becoming more of a plausible conclusion concerned you.

Though it was difficult, you managed to ignore those thoughts for now and you began to seriously assess your situation. Whether or not you were in some super realistic dream or had really ended up in the game doesn't change the fact that you needed to collect your thoughts.

Well, I have a limited time to think. Let's briefly go over it.

The prologue of Anomalous started off with an operation in the height of its intensity. Essentially, it displayed exorcists eliminating apparitions to introduce the setting. The beginning details were glossed over, the prologue's purpose was to only set the tone for the game (and to show off the amazing animation in the cut scenes). The apparitions were located inside a school, the school that you were in the hallway of currently.

Wait, wouldn't that mean the area where you were at as of right now was infested with apparitions?

You looked around and only saw an empty hallway. Not everyone had the abilities to see apparitions unless the apparitions decided to show themselves. But, everyone was susceptible to possession from them. So, why weren't you facing the repercussions?

"Okay, let's set that aside for now. According to how the scene was shown in the game, this means that Caleb should be arriving––"

A thunderous crash sounded right beside you, causing you to almost fall back at its abruptness. The wall had been mercilessly smashed in, leaving a large hole in the center of it. Dust collected the air, prompting you to shut your eyes as another fit of coughs erupted painfully from your already sore throat.

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